
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Silent Saturday ~ Part Forty-Five!!!

Another glorious sunrise here in New Mexico!  The sky appears to be on fire!  I just love it.

Then, a mere two days later, we were greeted with this.....

As the snow covers the ground....a hush fills the air.  The only sound is the birds chirping excitedly over a new found berry bush!  Even they knew, this state needed the moisture this is a welcomed sight.

Then we were blessed with a fabulous sunset....

Hope you enjoyed this restive and meditative journey with me.

Have a blessed and magical day.



Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said... 1

Wow, you certainly got your share of snow. And who needs Christmas lights with skies like that. Hope this season is merry and bright for you and yours.

Unknown said... 2

SueAnn - how spectacular. It looks dreamy , really.

stay warm

Lori said... 3

Beautiful! Glad you are enjoying the white really is pretty....and those sunsets are gorgeous! Happy weekend dear lady. XX

ellen abbott said... 4

the chairs on your patio look like they are reserved for the Coneheads.

Hilary said... 5

That certainly changed your landscape in a hurry. Love the snow and icicles against the red.

Unknown said... 6

Sounds a lot like Oklahoma weather. You never know what you're going to get from one day to the next.
Have a Merry Christmas!

Sarah Knight said... 7

Lovely shots!
I sincerely hope you don't have to drive anywhere in that! It's pretty but it's terrible to travel in, isn't it?

Have a Merry Christmas!

Mimi said... 8

The snow looks beautiful! A lot prettier than it looks in Michigan, but maybe that's because we get so much of it.


Brian Miller said... 9

wow. great pics...yeah we got dumped on as well...finally dug out yesterday...lovely sun rise and set...

Tabor said... 10

That is a lot of snow. I thought our two inches was lovely, but yours is quite impressive!

Shabby Vintage Junk said... 11

Hello SueAnn....!

THANKS so much for your note....It was LOVELY of you to drop by....!

WOW....What a GLORIOUS day you've captured here from sunrise to sunset....I'm so ENVIOUS of your snow....I'd LOVE to experience a White Christmas one day....It looks so PRETTY & PEACEFUL....Down here our Christmas will be HOT & spent outdoors....I'd LOVE to be able to curl up in front of the fire with my family & drink hot chocolate while watching the snow outside....!

I hope you're having a FABULOUS weekend....!

Cheers for now,
Tamarah :o)

Natasha said... 12

It is hard to believe there is so much beauty around. And I am so glad you managed to capture it and share it with us.

Debbie said... 13

as always GORGEOUS pictures!!

pchickki said... 14

These photos are amazing. That Sunset is beautiful. The snow photos just have to be made into cards!!! Thanks for sharing such beauty SueAnn.

Have I told you that your banner is just gorgeous> Well it is !!

Merry Christmas my friend

Sharon@Keen Inspirations said... 15

I am always amazed, and a little jealous:-) of your photography! The sunset is gorgeous. The snow on the chairs looks lilke ready made Christmas trees...just add a few ornaments! lol
You are always an encouragement to me!
PS We had a good dose of snow, but were too sick to get out and take pics! First snow that I think my kids haven't played in. :(

SandyCarlson said... 16

Utterly beautiful.

Monica said... 17

So you had some shoveling fun too! Hehe.
Monica x

Monica said... 18

Oh I meant to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas filled with love, joy and peace!
Monica xo