
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Silent Saturday ~ Part Forty-Four!!!

                                                  Sunrise!!!  The beginning of a new day!

Today is a study in texture.  Looking at these textures put me in mind of the textures in our lives.  Those little details that sometimes drive us batty but put so much meaning into our lives.

People add texture!  Friends and family, surrounding us with their love and companionship!  More texture!!

Loss and heartache....the deepest of grooves!!!

Birthdays add those character lines!


Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing these images with me.  Relish the texture in your life!!! 

Have a blessed and magical day!!!

Hugging you



Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said... 1

What a good way to look at the upcoming busyness of this season: as texture! Thank you!

Lori said... 2

I love your photo's and thoughts on are so right, the people and expeiences in our lives, are the textures that fill it. Very cool!

Happy weekend sweet lady! XX

MB Shaw said... 3

These textures are beautiful. And nice playlist. I am off to download some music now :)
Still sick, but better, I suppose - sinus is the worst, ugh.

Maggie May said... 4

Some of those textures run very deep, don't they! I love the wood..... though it reminds me of my skin! (Not really as bad as that, but sort of reminds me.)
The sky and fence are also good studues.
Hope you had a good day too.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Riki Schumacher said... 5

Beautiful post SueAnn. I'm feeling some deep grooves recently, but know it makes up my beautiful texture. Thanks for reminding me. hugs, Riki

Debbie said... 6

Very beautiful - as always. I love your analogy.

Hilary said... 7

Wonderful analogy. I wish you much texture.

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 8

So true, texture does add to life

SandyCarlson said... 9

Those textures are extraordinarily beautiful. Thank you!

Cindy said... 10

Very beautiful textures. a good way to end my day. hugs.

La Donna Welter said... 11

Love the photos, and love your new blog look!
It is always so good to hear from you my friend!

Debbie said... 12

Loved this..texture in our lives...this line stood out to me,
Loss and heartache....the deepest of grooves!!!..
beatutiful post!

Kat said... 13

Those stump photos are gorgeous.

(it's me, Kat, from 3 Bedroom Bungalow on my other acct that doesn't link to my blog)

Magaly Guerrero said... 14

You just added some texture to the background of my life, my dear. Beautiful, colorful, sweat texture ;-)

Joanna Jenkins said... 15

The textures and colors are so beautiful-- as always.
Have a great week SueAnn
xo jj

Queenie Jeannie said... 16

Gorgeous photos and very timely advice!! Thanks for sharing your talents!

CiCi said... 17

What a wonderful way to incorporate the different aspects of our lives into something physical that we can see and feel. Nice writing. And really nice photos.

Tabor said... 18

I love winter woods photos and you are just the right football person for me to invite over. Some days you watch and some days you talk!

Kim Mailhot said... 19

A perfectly smooth ;life would be slippery and hard to linger on...loving the textures, Sue Ann. Big Love to you !

Unknown said... 20

Grate texture! Sweet colour combos.
