
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Work in Progress...metalically speaking!!

What a wonderful week we have had weather wise!!  Sunny and very little wind and best of all...WARM!!!!  And the work on my newest piece has progressed nicely!! 

As you can see!  I am adding some cones with twigs and copper.  Though I like the cones...I feel they are too large, so I will be reducing their scale this week.

Some more of the cones and a splash of color!  Don't you just love it?  This is some of the fabric I received from Contemporary Cloth!!  Fabulous!!

Here I have pictured some beads that I dangled.  Burlap, by it's very nature, has a lot of I made use of some of them by attaching some beads to the trailing strings of burlap.  Pretty cool, huh?

Hope you enjoyed.  Work will continue!

Hi Christine!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

woot loving the colors and textures...that brilliant solar yellow is very cool...and i like the dried flowers....

Tabor said... 2

Really like the mixture of fabric and metal. Looking forward to seeing the completed project. Where will it go?

MB Shaw said... 3

I adore where this is headed and can't wait to see more. Really spectacular so far.
And the pic of you & Dr. John is smashing. You are gorgeous, dahling and quite young (63, really???)

ellen abbott said... 4

I love the way you use so many different things. and the beads dangling on the burlap are cool.

Anonymous said... 5

this is fabulous and I love that you dangled the beads from the burlap threads....ingenious