Can you believe it!? It is Tuesday already!?! And boy do I feel Random today! LOL!
I told myself that 2010 would be a stronger focus for me on my art. I had no idea how this would pan out. I got a call from a former client the first week of January asking me to mosaic tile a mirror frame. I thought, "No problem!" Then I got the mirror frame! It is 5" wide all the way around. The total width across is 5 feet and it's height is 7 feet!!! Oh my! What a project! So, I have been gathering my tiles and I will take pics as I begin the process. Even though it will be a lot of work, it will be fun to do too! My color palette is royal and dark blues, gold, cranberry, white, and reds predominately. It will be an abstract design with copper wires and beads throughout.
Then this same client called me yesterday and said her hubby's new office has a large conference room and he needs a large tapestry-like hanging to help with deadening the sound and for artistic style as well. I meet with him next Tuesday to view the conference room and get an idea of size and colors. So......2010 is starting out with a bang already.
I also received two doll orders from my tattoo artist, Tammy and her sister Jen! They both want newborn babies. I am working a trade with Tammy. One baby for eyebrow tattoo's. With Jen, we will do some sort of credit plus cash. I will take pics of these babies when they are finished.
This is only January, and already I am swamped! Luckily, there is no deadline on any of these projects. Well, Tammy wants her baby before Feb. 17th! I can do that...no problem. Jen and I have yet to decide on baby style, etc. So I have some time there.
My car is still in the repair shop! It has been there for a week and it will be there for three more. Seems the bumper part has not been manufactured by Toyota yet!?! Can you believe that? Not made yet??? WTH??? They say my car is so new that the part has not been processed yet. So they have to manufacture this part and then ship it to us. Three weeks at least! Sigh!

The rental company, Enterprise, was johnny on the spot at the car repair shop. And they had my SUV. A Chevy Tahoe...a beast!! You need to rappel up into the vehicle to sit down! It has running boards on each side that you have to step on and then swing yourself into the seat!!!!! Skirts need not apply! LOL!! It has taken me all week to get used to it. The good news is that is it four wheel drive and with the snow we have been getting...well, suffice it to say...I needed it. Just getting up my driveway was a trick I will tell ya. Our driveway is 250 feet long and goes up hill. And it is snow packed and icy! The beast crawled up that hill with no problems. Yay!!

Went to my hubby's company party last Saturday and we had great fun. I didn't really take any pics though. The dinner was Mexican and it was delish!!! They had made it a Casino night as well as offering a Karoke machine/D.J. And my sweet hubby just had to perform....THREE TIMES!! Luckily, he can sing! There was also an open bar...oops!! Can we say, "Tipsy?" That would be me!
My son and his wife and two of my grandkids came up for the weekend as well. They too went to the party. The snow didn't stop them! Which was great! We all sat at a table together at the party. The two kids stayed home and played on the computers and watched TV. The other two grandkids stayed home in Gallup and I felt pretty sure a party would ensue there. LOL! I would have!! In fact, I did when I was their age. Any excuse to have friends over and party!!!! I haven't heard yet if that in case did happen?! Both of our homes survived the absence of adult supervision. Whew!

I guess this was random enough! As you can see, I am going to be pretty busy the next couple of months. But I am so thankful for the work! It is pretty exciting to be able to stretch my artistic skills like this. I love it!
As I said, I will take pics along the way and post my progress. It should be fun.
Have a magical and blessed day dear ones!