I received a wonderful blog award from Cinner of "Me, My Four Chins and Me". It is called The Happy Blog 101! And you need to share ten things that make you happy!! So, here it goes.....
1. Knowing the Lord makes me happy!! He is always with me and His grace and joy surrounds me. My heart is full of His love.
2. My husband and best friend makes me happy. When I am down, he lifts me up. When I am sad, he makes me smile or laugh right out loud! I love his hair, his smile...I just love him.
3. Sunny days in New Mexico make me happy. Blue skies and sunshine and I feel on top of the world.
4. Chocolate makes me happy. Nowadays it has to be sugar free; but, it still works for me.
5. Sleeping makes me happy. I used to have problems sleeping; but now, with my Select Comfort mattress....sleep no longer eludes me. I love it!!
6. Good friends make me happy. Honest, sincere and loyal friends that is. All others please step aside.
7. Good food makes me happy. I can't eat like I used too. So now, the better the food the more I am satisfied with my little portions. It must be tasty and well prepared as well as look good too. I have become very picky about these things.
8. Books make me happy. I love to read and my library of books is huge. Right now, I have a stack of ten books that I am attempting to get through. Most of the books I like are fiction, thrillers, sci-fi, mysteries, and the like. I just finished Charlaine Harris's books of a girl who can sense and find dead bodies...very cool. I am now reading Stephen King's, The Dome. So far so good with that one. I am always afraid to read Kings' works because his endings usually disappoint me.
9. Blogging makes me happy. I love reading blogs and getting to know other people. And I love writing mine.
10. My grandchildren make me happy. I love them dearly and they always bring a smile to my lips and a put a song in my heart. They make me proud! I just love being a grandparent. It is the best!
So, there are my ten happy thoughts! I am now supposed to pick ten people to give this award too. But I can't pick just ten, or twenty or thirty. So, all of you have happy things in your life and I think you all should take this award and write them down. All ten of them! Happy thoughts that is. And let me know, so I can share your happiness too.
A big thanks to Cinner for picking me. Love you dearest one. Her blog is great fun...go pay her a visit!!
Have a magical and blessed day
Hugging you all