Yesterday I woke up to a winter wonder land! We had a fine mist that covered the mountains and the adjoining valley. It was freezing outside so the effect was amazing! Of course I didn't realize this until I got into my car and was heading into town at 10AM!! And no camera!
I was hopeful it would stay until I got home..two hours later! Some of it did and I rushed to get my camera. But the sky was so bright...the photos are hard to read as "frozen" branches and shrubs!
I need to get a small digital camera to carry with me at all times. That way I am prepared to get these kinds of surprises on disc. Here are some of the shots I was able to get.

See what I mean!! And the cold remained! My hands where freezing as I was trying to get these shots. It stayed below 32 degrees all day!!!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Glad I have my Snuggie!! One problem having a Snuggie though. People steal it!! My granddaughter, Lisa!!! She loves my Snuggie! LOL!! I am going to have to get some pics of it and spread the love around.
Went to Olive Garden yesterday and got the Shrimp Caprese!! Oh my! TDF!!! Grilled shrimp on angel hair pasta with Parmesan cheese and tomatoes and such!! It was divine!! Lisa got Ravioli with portabella mushrooms and a cheese sauce...also TDF!!! For dessert, a chocolate tie-dye mousse! Oh my! I only had a bite and it melted in my mouth! As for my lunch...well I took 3/4 of it home with me. Having the small stomach does the trick, I will tell you!! Yay for weight loss surgery!!!

Today, we take Lisa back to college. New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico. It is about 3.5 hours south of where we are. It will be a nice ride. I have a J.D. Robb, book on disk! "Born to Death". We are all fans of J.D. Robb so that will be fun. Then, John and I are going to our favorite hotel in Las Cruces....the El Conte!! So beautiful! I will take pics and post them when I return. They also make the best Mojitos around! Yum!! So we will have a romantic weekend for sure!! Hehehehehehehehe!!!!!!! And hopefully it is warmer there too!
Well I am off to find my Snuggie before Lisa gets up and snatches it away from me! Thank you ever so much for stopping by! You have a magical, creative day!
Hugging you