How can it be a bad day when you have a sunrise as spectacular as this?!! I ask you!!!!!

I have never done a Random Tuesday; but today feels random! My mind is all over the place.
I joined a Suzi Blu class called Goddess and Poets! Click on her name and it will take you there. I have been looking forward to this class. Her work is amazing and she is such an fabulous artist. The only problem is that I haven't started my work yet. So many things have interfered with my starting!! Sigh! So I am determined that Wednesday is the day!!! That is my story and I am sticking to it!!
Today will be a momentous day for me. I am getting my first tattoo. My good friend, Cheri and I have been shopping around for a tattoo artist and we found two women at a place called American Women Tattoo Shop!! How cool is that? They also do permanent makeup tats and I am considering doing the eyeliner. Since my vision sucks, I have a heck of a time putting eyeliner on and I love to use it. So this could be my answer. I will take pics when I get my tat. It will be around my ankle! So cool!!
My dh and I have been helping our 10 year old grandson do videos. He has been putting them on YouTube and having a blast. He is so funny and creative. So we got him his own video camera for his birthday (Jan. 13th)! He will be so excited!! I think we may be creating a future Steven Spielberg! Ha! But one never knows, does one?

Dh and I went out New Year's Eve with three other couples. We had champagne at one couple's house and then proceeded to dinner. The restaurant we went to is right here in the East Mountains and has an Italian cuisine. Dinner was delicious and we all enjoyed it. But service was extremely slow....I mean extremely!! It took one hour or more to get our entrees!! They apologized and gave us desserts and then we found out that this was their last night to be open. Now that is sad!! I hate to see a business close...all those dreams and hopes flushed down the drain! The staff was visibly upset!

As you can see; my Christmas decorations are still up!! I must confess that I don't take them down until it gets close to Valentine's day! I just can't bear it....it looks so empty when you put everything away. Plus I love the glow of Christmas lights at night. So magical!! Most people are blogging or posting on Facebook that they are done with packing everything away. Guess I am the odd duck here! LOL!!
So far I have lost 115 lbs.!! But I am stuck....hit a plateau and it is not moving. Guess I have to start exercising on a regular basis!! I hate to exercise but I have come too far to quit now! So onward I go and downward I hope to go!! Wish me luck!
I am entering an art exhibit in Texas in March. Here is the piece I am entering. It is pretty good size too. About 3' x 4'!! I will let you know how that goes too!

Oh and last but not least! I have to confess something. It is hard for me to admit it; but......I got myself a pink SNUGGIE for Christmas! Yes, a Snuggie!!!! Sad but true...I bought into the ads and purchased one. And guess what? I love it!! It is so warm and I can snuggle up into it and have my hands free!! Super!! Great for reading in my comfy chair! Just thought I would share!
Thanks ever so much for your visits. I really appreciate them! Have a magical day and think creatively!! Make time for art and for love!!
Hugging you all