
Saturday, March 6, 2010

I received a award!!

The Beautiful Blogger Award!!  I received this from Amy at Whisper Woods Blog.  That was so sweet of her.  She had asked us to name other blogs that inspired us.  I chose Vanessa at Fanciful Twist who always brings magic and awesome photography to us every week!! Amy said that made me beautiful for choosing Vanessa's blog.  

Now I am to name seven things about myself!!  Oh dear!!  Seems I have done this before...twice!!  Hmmmm!  What else can I say??
1.  I am terrified of spiders!  If I see one I will run the other way.  And I would swear they are chasing me.  I hate it when they start crawling around the ceiling.  They are just trying to ambush me...I know!!
2.  I am still practicing wearing high heels.  Not super high, mind you.  Only about 2.5 inches.  I still haven't mastered them.  But I am determined to do it.
3.  It is true that I have lost 125 lbs. but I seem to be stuck there.  So I have to step up my exercising..darn!  I hate to exercise.  Me and aerobics just don't get along.  It ranks right up there with wearing high heels!
4.  I finally splurged and got some new clothes.  Ones that fit this new size.  So that is cool!!  Now I don't look like I escaped from a circus act!!
5.  I told you that I got my eyeliner tattooed but I don't think I told you that I got my eyebrows done too!  They look so cool!!  And now putting makeup on is so easy!
6.  I graduated from The Cleveland Institute of Art and majored in sculpture and minored in papermaking and photography.  I had a great time in school.  And this summer I am going to go visit my sculpture professor, Carl Floyd!!  He is an extremely talented sculptor.  He does major public works in stone and steel.  Awesome stuff!  It will be great to visit and see what he is working on now.
7.  I love to read and I am now reading the series The Vampire Diaries.  My granddaughters have read them so I thought I would too.

Now I am supposed to pick 15 people to give this award too!!??!!  This will take some thinking.  My feeling is to tell you all to pick this award up from here and put in on your blog.  You are all so special to me and your blogs never fail to inspire me.  Besides, I would enjoy you telling me seven things about yourself that I don't know.  I would love that!!

So that is what I am going to take this award and make it yours.  Post about yourself and let me know!  I am looking forward to what you will tell me!!

Today I am off to take a jewelry class!  This will be a fun day.  Then after class, we are going out to dinner at St. Clair's Winery.  I love that place.  It is in Albuquerque.  They have the best food and on Saturday night they have live music.  Woohoo!  Oh!  And I love their raspberry Champagne! 

Have a wonderful and magical day!
Hugging you


Kristina P. said... 1

125 pounds is an amazing achievement, SueAnn!

Tabor said... 2

125 pounds....??? that is another whole person. You must have had to buy a whole new wardrobe.

Joanna Jenkins said... 3

Great Seven SueAnn- I learned A LOT about you.

125 pounds! YOU ROCK!

Hope your jewelry class is wonderful. Maybe you can show us what you learned???

Happy weekend and congrats on your award.


Judy said... 4

Congratulations!! You are a beautiful blogger...therefore, you deserve a beautiful blogger award!! Love the pic of the red zinna (is it a zinna?)

Cindy said... 5

Congratulations on your award, how exciting for you to be out buying new clothes. that is so fun. I keep forgetting you have lost 125 pounds, love that your practising wearing high heels. Have fun in Alburqueque!

Artsnark said... 6

Congrats! Sounds like you have a fantastic day planner - have fun

Brian Miller said... 7 congrats that takes a lot of discipline...well deserved award!

Unknown said... 8

Good luck with those high heels! I gave 'em up years ago. Congrats. on your award.

Monica said... 9

OMG! 125 pounds?? I had to buy a whole new wardrobe last summer after I lost only 34 (and 3 sizes)!!!!!!! That's great anyway, I bet you're feeling much better now.
Gorgeous colors.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said... 10

125 pounds!! That is AWESOME. :) I have a bunch of weight to lose seems so daunting. :s Thanks for the visit!

Hope you can make it to the "Show Me the Progress" party on Wednesday. :) I'm posting it on Tuesday night! ANY progress is welcome, even if it's just a list of ideas you'd like to implement. :) Your weight loss progress story would be perfect. Hope to see you there!

Anonymous said... 11

Hi SueAnn,
I know we all seem to want to Key in on your weight success, and I wish to Congratulate you..however after reading all about you.. you are one beautiful person inside and to know that you have sculpting experience and yet would comment on my little ditty.. made my day. so Thank you..
YOU are truly Blessed!
Hugs, Darlene

Land of shimp said... 12

Hello, I'm stopping by from Hilary's, but needed to join the cheering. One hundred and Twenty-five pounds! That's such a big accomplishment, it deserves to be written out fully.

That's a lot of hard work, congratulations :-)

Debbie said... 13

what great things you shared..its nice to know some more about you! congrats on the award!

Hilary said... 14

Congrats on the award and for your wonderful accomplishments. Those are such lovely flower pics.

Anonymous said... 15

I haven't worn high heels for such a long time. I probably be totally the same.
I do think spiders see you more when you scurry about and may think you are doing a mating dance and are attracted to you,lol!
What a beautiful award Congratulations Sueann, it's awesome!
Thank you so much for sharing it.
Just the right picture for soaking in all the sunshine!

Hope you have an amazing week!



Amanda said... 16

125 lbs!!! How awesome! What an accomplishment!!

GREAT pictures!! Have fun at the jewelry class (share some pictures too).

You are a beautiful blogger! Congrats on the award!

Magaly Guerrero said... 17

Congratulations! If someone deserves it that's you my dear ;-)

Eyebrow tattoo? That is very bold! Strange, a lady who is afraid of spiders, but don't mind hundreds needles poking above her eye.

Beautiful flowers

Boozy Tooth said... 18

#3: How awesome are YOU! A 125 pound weight loss is an extremely rare accomplishment. I am so utterly amazed and proud of you, SueAnn. Don't be discouraged about your plateau. You can bust through it. I managed to walk off 80 pounds. Not run, just walk, then walk faster, then power walk. I enjoy it and it's easy on the old joints. Now my doctor has me doing resistance and weight training plus aerobics, but my favorite thing to do is just head outdoors and walk for an hour or two.

Whatever you choose to do, just remember these two things: some exercise is better than nothing and if you do something you enjoy (dancing, biking, swimming) you will look forward to it rather than despise it.

#6: You have your Carl Floyd and I have my Enzo Torcoletti. How fun that we both meet up with our former sculpture professors. We are parallel lines, chica!

WhisperWood Cottage said... 19

I enjoyed the fun facts about you! The spider fact made me laugh...I know what you are saying about them following you! Kudos to you for getting healthier, and I hope you enjoy the visit with your professor this summer!

beth said... 20

can we see your eyebrows ?
I know that's a bold question, but I would love to do that someday, and I am petrified....