
Thursday, March 11, 2010

WIP ~ Day Two ~ Number Two!!

Just a quick picture of the new prototype that I am working up for the Attorney's office fiber piece.
I decided to mount it on canvas to give it more structure.  One of the attorneys, Shari, saw a fiber piece in Las Vegas and it was really cool.  It had many "waves" of fabric covering the entire piece. 

So they want it to be very sculptural.  I am going to make it come off the canvas in a undulating fashion.  I have already made a form out of buckram and that should give it the strength to hold itself off the canvas.  The canvas gives me something to attach it too!

This is only the beginning!

Hope you can see!  The white is the canvas.  This is a large prototype.  It is 4 feet by 4 feet!  But since the piece itself will be so large ( 8 feet or so by 10 feet or so), I felt the example should be larger too.  That way the scale will make some sense to the client.

Thanks for looking!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1


Boozy Tooth said... 2

SueAnn... I want to come to your studio and learn. I am a former Art student who lost my mojo long ago... but looking at your creativity, your vision, your gift is inspiring me to do something. Thirty years later!


pchickki said... 3

Love the colors!