
Monday, March 1, 2010

WIP ~ Day Eight ~ FINISHED!!!!!

I am so glad!!  It is finally finished and I just had to share!!!  I love the colors!!
I sure hope the clients like this mirror! 
I think it turned out wonderfully!
I hope you have enjoyed the process!!
Taking pictures along the way sure helped me "see" it and make corrections as I went along!
Thanks so much for joining with me on this journey!
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

oh wow. that is amazing. you did a trememndous job with it. the colors are incredible.

Anonymous said... 2

All that work and it's not even for you! It is awesome....if your clients don't like it, I'll take it! :-)

Sharon's Cottage Quilts said... 3

Wow SueAnn! It's marvelous! I had no idea it was a large frame!! You worked your little fingers to the bone friend! But What a Beautiful Masterpiece! They'll love it!!

Artsnark said... 4

Fantastic! I am impressed. Well Done, SueAnn :-)

Jenn said... 5

It is absolutely beautiful!!!!!!! Wow!!!

Sueann said... 6

Thank you Brian, Jill, Sharon, Stacey and Jenn. I appreciate all your wonderful comments and for visiting!

Kristina P. said... 7

Man, that is amazing! Gorgeous.

Thank you so much for helping with the Snuggie Drive!

Cindy said... 8

Wow what a work of art. I did not realize it was that big, holy hana girlfriend, it would have taken me a lot longer. It is simply Stunning. Take care.

Seahorse Ranch Girl said... 9

Can I add another WOW? The composition! The colors! The detail! You must be so proud.

Sueann said... 10

Thank you Kristina, Sharon and Charlotte...I appreciate your kind words. Cinner you made me laugh. It took me 40 hours!
I am tickled with the way it turned out.

Anonymous said... 11

Oh wow and triple wow!

So brilliant!

NANCY LEFKO said... 12

Amazing, simply amazing !!

Sueann said... 13

Thanks Nancy and Julie!!!You all are making my head swell!!

Eleni said... 14

Very impressive, great job!

Sueann said... 15

Ellen!! Good to see you here visiting! And thanks!!

dmvoccola said... 16

That is much larger than I thought it would be. It is stunning!

Sueann said... 17

Thank you Denise!! Before I just showed pieces of it; so the size wasn't obvious. Glad you like it!

Unknown said... 18

Awww! SueAnn this is just gorgeous! It did turn out wonderfully, sparkly, shiny and perfect. What an accomplishment. :) I really liked what you said about taking photos of the process which gave you the opportunity to make modifications during the creation process. Great idea and one I had not considered but just might now.

Thank you for popping over and commenting on Linda's paper doll. You are such a sweetie. Do something to reward yourself for job well done on your mosaic, you deserve it.


Unknown said... 19

That is amazingly beautiful! What a work of art it is. Thank you so much for sharing the entire process with us.

Sueann said... 20

Thank you Kitty!! Yes the photos really help you focus on the piece in it's entirety! And you can see any problems or missteps. Really helps. I did reward myself! I got my nails done yesterday! They sure needed it!
Thanks Denise and you are so welcome!

Clowncar said... 21

a wonderful piece of work. so sparkly! my girls would love it!

Diane said... 22

oh my! this is so amazing!! just beautiful!!!!!!!

Anonymous said... 23

Wow! It's beautiful and HUGE!

Anonymous said... 24

I'm visiting for the first time! What a talented artist you are! I am absolutely in love with this mirror frame. My time spent browsing through your blog has been very enjoyable. :)


Unknown said... 25

Hello, everyone. I am actually the recipient of this mirror. It was a gift for my birthday. I was shocked when I first saw it because I didn't kow what my gift was- all I was told was that I was going to get a surprise. When I went to my parents' house two weeks ago, my mom asked me if I could help her with an errand. I agreed, of course, and we drove to a nearby frame store. I assumed we were going to be picking up some artwork that they were having reframed. When we walked into the store, my mom pointed out the mirror and told me, "Happy Birthday!" I was speechless. I helped load it into the car and we drove to my house to display it. On a side note, it is extremely heavy and it was no picnic to set it up! I put it in my living room, leaning it against the wall, next to my couch. We placed a plant next to it and suddenly the entire house was transformed! I feel like I am walking into a Moroccan garden or an oasis or a secluded paradise. It is a beautiful work of art and every detail is amazing. My favorite parts are the bulbous hearts on each of the corners and the copper wire and beads. The depth that they create takes it over the top. I have never been happier with a gift and have been showing it off to everyone and anyone! Thank you so much!

Sueann said... 26

Thank you so much Joshua. I am so glad you are pleased with the mirror! I had great fun working on it! I hope you will take some pictures of it in your home and share them with me?? I would love that!
Thanks again

Boozy Tooth said... 27

Oh SueAnne... I just stopped breathing.
