I forgot! I was thinking today was Monday!! Oh boy!! I am losing days already and it is the beginning of the week........the month even. Can you believe it?
Got my car back! Woohoo! And she looks terrific! Can't even tell she has been damaged. I am so glad. Now I can leave the house when I want too!
I have been working on that mirror, as you know. And I ran out of round glass globs! Oh dear!
That is what they call them too...globs. So I have to wait until they come. I sure hope they ship quickly.
Today I go to the lawyers office and measure it up for a tapestry that they want in their conference room. I have only met with this lawyer once. But he has seen my work and asked for me to do this. So I am a little nervous but excited too. I hope it is a huge wall. The reason they want fabric is to help deaden the sound in the room. Guess it sounds hollow. And if they like my work, they have to like color. So this will be fun!
I ordered my self an Embellishing machine from Janome! I got a note today that it has been shipped. This is something I have been wanting for about a year. Barbara at Joggles.com got one last year and was singing it's praises. Then this year, Gail Schmidt got one too, so I had to order it. Really! The machine uses felting needles and kind of "weaves" several layers of different materials together. If you know how a felting needle works...it is the same. But this machine looks like a sewing machine but no bobbin or thread. You can use five needles at a time for larger pieces or one needle. Can't wait to get my hands on this. I think it will come in handy for this tapestry I will be working on.
Got my hair done last week. I always get it colored about once every five weeks. So I was due! Can't let those grays escape. I usually have it dyed a deep red/burgundy on the top and dark, dark brown on the sides and back. This time, and who knows why, some blond streaks showed up?? Huh? Blond?? Well she does bleach the top a little to open up the cuticles for the red dye but.......!!?! Anyway, I kind of like it.
Well it is time for me to go and get into town. Can't be late for my meeting!
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you