I have received two awards!! Wow! I feel so honored!
First award from Smitten Image...the Post of the Week award. Every week she posts several blogs as being worthy of a visit by all of us on blog land!! And it is always worth the trip. I have met some amazing bloggers visiting the links she has laid out for us. Thank you Hilary, so much!! And I always appreciate your visits here!!

The next award is The Fabulous Sugar Doll Award! Thank you Heather from Butterflygirlms Rambles On. With this award you list ten things about yourself. I guess this means I am a sweetheart. LOL!! So here we go:
1. I love taking naps!
2. If I could, I would do without my bra!! Sigh!
3. I love sleeping on my Sleep Comfort Bed!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!
4. My honey still gives me goose bumps and it has been 36 years!! woohoo
5. I collect Gene dolls and my granddaughters wait for their chance to take this collection over.
6. I have said this before but I will say it again. I have lost 120 lbs. Snap!!
7. I hate cleaning house so I have a housekeeper twice a month. Love that for sure!
8. When I create I get glue and paint all over myself. Just can't help it!!
9. My home is one big collage/mixed media piece!
10. I get up every morning at 3AM to catch up on my blog reading and writing.
Now I am supposed to pick ten people...but I don't know who to chose. You all deserve this award...so all of you take this and do the ten things about yourself. Inquiring minds need to know.
And this is a momentous time for me. I just passed my 100th post!! I will be hosting a giveaway. Just haven't decided what yet. I will! And it will be fabulous! So keep in touch!
By the end of the week, I will post the prize!
Have a magical and blessed day!!