
Monday, February 28, 2011

And the winner is....!!!!!

We have a winner for the Diane Duda print!! 

Using the random number generator.....
                                          the number is......

And number 9 is...............
                                                      And her blog is  "In the Gutter"

So I am contacting her today and letting her know of her prize winnings!!  Thanks to all who entered and helped me celebrate my 300th post and my 150 followers!!  Woot!!  Woot!!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1


drats! lol.

imbeingheldhostage said... 2

That's so much. I LOVED this and consider it such a bonus because I was happy to just be here for the 300th as one of your 150. Thanks so much SueAnn, I'm thrilled to bits.

Magaly Guerrero said... 3

Congrats! I don't promise I won't try to hold up the mailman... I mean, I promise I won't, maybe... oh come on, look how gorgeous that is, can you truly blame me?

Sharon@Keen Inspirations said... 4

Congrats to the "hostage"!

auntiegwen said... 5

Isn't that the most gorgeous picture? you r blog is always so full of nice things to look at, most cheering, thank you xxx

Bossy Betty said... 6

Congrats? Isn't there a 2nd prize? huh?

SandyCarlson said... 7

Most excellent. What fun!

Hilary said... 8

Oh wonderful.. I love it when the winner is someone I know. Congrats to IBHH!

pinkglitterfae said... 9

Congrats to the winner! I've been so behind on my blog reading, I totally missed this :-(

Checking through your blog, your photos of New Mexico are breathtaking! and I just saw your Mardi gras tree, what a brilliant idea!

thanks for stopping by my blog. I've been lucky, the longest I went without power was over a day, when our entire province, and lots of the North East US had that massive power outage. With the scary things happening, I thought it was time to be prepared, just in case, lol! glad you managed your 4 days with your fondue pot :-D I would have had chocolate in it though, heehee!