
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Fifty-two!!!

Winters' last hoorah....sunrise!!!

Ice and snow....


This is my tribute to the ice and snow of 2010/2011!  I gave it a spot to beat it!  Time for you to go!  You are holding spring up!!  Sigh!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Sarah Knight said... 1

Beautiful photos! If only the snow wasn't so darned cold!
: )

Cindy said... 2

Gorgeous shots SueAnn. Spring will arrive soon I am telling myself. we are having a nice weekend. plus 4, what a nice break for us. have a great weekend. hugs.

CiCi said... 3

You're so funny, here is a nice tribute to winter 2011 and now beat it, go away. Ha.

Jenn said... 4

SueAnn, these photos are gorgeous!!!!! We only got a "dusting" this time thankfully.

What a gift to be able to capture this beauty!!! thank you for sharing!!!!!! :) xoxo, Jenn

ellen abbott said... 5

Holy cow, look at those deep blue shadows and sky! Gorgeous.

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 6

These are beautiful but I agree, where is spring?

Lori said... 7

LOL Gorgeous captures! Right now I would love to long for spring but I don't allow myself to...right now is usually our lul before March comes and typical brings us the snowiest month of the winter...right about now I am going just a little bit stir crazy...just keep feeding me wine to go alone with my other whine and I think I will get through. :)

Happy weekend!

Unknown said... 8

Oh, ma gosh, SueAnn, your photos are downright striking. I've got chills, literally! What a gorgeous winter landscape.

Sending you sparkles and hugs for a wildly fantastic weekend.


Celia said... 9

Your scenes are great, especially liked the first photo of the frosted fence, that's a stunner!

Velvet Over Steel said... 10

I totally agree!!! The past few weeks have been the coldest so far.. however today the sun is shining and it's finally warming up!! Yeah!!! I was up with the sun, putting the snowmen decorations away and cleaned the floors from all the snow & slush. So yes, it's time for winter to go away!! Come on Spring.. we are all ready!! :-)

Have a wonderful weekend, SueAnn!!!
Coreen xoxoxo

Kristin said... 11

SueAnn...these pictures are out of this world!!! Wow!! Just breathtaking...thanks for sharing!

Have a great weekend!
Kristin :)
Keenly Kristin

Maggie May said... 12

The pictures are really lovely.
I am glad blogger is working again as I have been coming back & forth to try and leave a comment.
I often have a problem with your blog for some reason!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Brian Miller said... 13

wow. what an ominous sky...and the white landscape and trees are just beautiful....happy saturday!

Carole said... 14

Snow is still here too but then we're suppose to have snow!
You take the best sunrise and sunset photos. Mine never come out.

Happy weekend!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said... 15

I'm just sittin' here in awe of your beautiful photos girl. Those shots are just amazin'.

Your tribute to the sky and ice is just stunnin'!!!

God bless ya and have a most beautiful weekend!!!

Anonymous said... 16

OMG!! Those ice and snow shots are magnificent!! Great job!!

Hilary said... 17

Absolutely beautiful shots, SueAnn!

Mimi said... 18

What a stunning group of pictures!

Hugs & love,

Indrani said... 19

Whoa! These are mind blowing. Great shots.

Monica said... 20

Ooohh yeah! Spring spring... we're longing for you to arrive!! S*O*O*N! Hehe.
Big hugs, gorgeous shots anyway!
Monica xo

IT IS ALLY said... 21

Stunning photos! I wish WE had snow.

Debbie said... 22

Now that you've given it a beautiful tribute, let's hope it moves out of the way and lets spring in!
I hope you are having a wonderful Valentine's Day.

pchickki said... 23

Oh my gosh! What beauty and you have captured the essence of winter my friend !

Magaly Guerrero said... 24

Ha! I love how you start with reverence and they tell the ice to beat it; too funny and exactly like I feel.

Yesterday, we had the weirdest weather. The sun was bright and the temperature was supposed to be in the upper 40s, but there was a wind that must have come from the deepest frigid parts of ice hell, so those who chose to wear their springish pretty things for V Day were freezing their tushes off.

Hope you, the doctor and the rest of the family had a wonderful V Day.

CiCi said... 25

I came back to say congrats on your POTW on Hilary's blog. Very well deserved.

Elizabeth Grimes said... 26

STUNNING photos! Congratulations on a well deserved POTW! :)

Lori said... 27

Stopping back to say congratulations on POTW at well deserved my friend! XX

Anonymous said... 28

What amazing textures - your shots look like oil paintings! Gorgeous!