
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Random Tuesday....Come on spring!!!!

My friend and fellow blogger, Jillsy of Jillsy Girl Studios...shared about a photographer that has heretofore been unrecognized.  She is an unknown and extraordinarily talented!!  Her name is Vivian Maier and definitely a name to be remembered.  Here is a video of some of her work and her life...

Isn't she amazing???

Cheri and I took the boys out for their birthdays' on Saturday night!  We went to Pappadeux's and had a great time.  Cheri and I toasted them with our drinks...Swamp Things!!  OooLaLa!!!

And they are so yummy!!

Cheri looked awesome in her red velvet dress!!

And the boys' cleaned up well too!!

Happy Birthday to Paul and to John!!  We had a wonderful time and dinner was excellent as usual.  They have a wonderful menu and the food is extraordinary!!

The moon was amazing on Saturday night.  I tried to get my camera to cooperate...but the flash would not turn off.  Here is the best that I got!!  Sigh!!

Sad I know...I will try again tonight with my other camera!  The moon has been awesome!!

Have been working on my living room and re did the celebration Christmas tree!!  It is now decked out for Mardi Gras!!!  Woot!!  Woot!!

I will tell you!!!  Moving a full sized leather couch around over carpeting is tough!!  Ha!  I couldn't find my sliders...SIGH!!!  But I got 'er done!!  I will take pics for later and show you all. I forgot to take before!!  Must be some old timers happening!  I keep forgetting to take pics!! 

Don't forget to stop over at Keely's and see what she is up too!!  I am curious myself.  At The UnMom you just never know what to expect!!  And not to mention all the other Randomizers there.  Such fun!!!! 

Well that is it for today...not much Randomizing going on over here!!  How about you?

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


Sharon@Keen Inspirations said... 1

Looks like everyone had a great time! Nothing like sharing an evening and celebrating with friends!

Kristine said... 2

Glad you had fun! Nice to get out every once in a while!

happy RTT!

Anonymous said... 3

I want one of those drinks!! did you get your template so large? It's wider than my 19" screen so the whole page can't be seen at once, but the photos look amazing!

Brian Miller said... 4

nice. i love the mardi gras tree and that drink certainly looks yummy...those pics are really cool!

Bossy Betty said... 5

Looks like a lovely time! (I had the same problem as Jillsy Girl)

Hilary said... 6

Yum.. those drinks look wonderful .. as does your tree. Everything looks so colourful!

Stacy Uncorked said... 7

Happy Birthday to the boys! Looks like you guys have a very fun outing! Those drinks look yummy and your Mardi Gras tree is stunning! :)

Mother Nature, Annoying Neighbors, Dino Fun - RTT

Seahorse Ranch Girl said... 8

Your tree is gloriously extravagent. Perfect for a girl like you.

Artsnark said... 9

Looove the mardi gras tree! And your friend's dress is lovey, by the way. Hope you have had a great random Tuesday & are enjoying a creative week

Anonymous said... 10

Great to see your christmas tree, so cool you dress up so much.
Loved seeing your photos. Sending love to you family.
I'm hoping your painting as arrived by now, hoping its not to far away.

Debbie said... 11

Fun photos! Looks like a great time.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said... 12

Looks like ya'll had a blast and a half. I've never seen a Mari Gras tree before, it's magnificent!

God bless and have a fantastic day!!! :o)

Jill said... 13

Oh SueAnn, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Mardi Gras Christmas tree! Fabulous idea! said... 14

You are so glamorous SueAnn. And so energetic!!!

Maggie May said... 15

That video is amazing. What a find.
Your artwork is so colourful.
Maybe one day you will be famous too!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Unknown said... 16

Yes, that is amazing! That grate capture of people. Thank you for sharing.

Do you make a lot of your tree decoration your self? or are you just a grate collector?

Gratulerer til "gutta" = congrats to the "boys"
