
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Fifty-Four!!!

A little know place, south of Albuquerque is Elephant Butte, New Mexico.  A beautiful place for sure.  This is one of the reservoirs in the state.  The dam itself is a wonderful enjoy the tour!!!

A wonderful place to go year around and in the spring through the fall...boating!!  Fun times!!

Have a magical and blessed weekend!!
Hugging you


Sarah Knight said... 1

Even with some ice that place looks so warm and fabulous and beautiful!
Great shots : )

CiCi said... 2

You did a great job with these photos. The water and sky are beautiful colors. I can't even pick a favorite this time. The ice hiding in the shade of the boulder is interesting.

James said... 3

Looks like you've been man-spammed by a robot from AOL. This man loves him some American woman named TechnoBabe. Married her, as a matter of fact.

To your beautiful pictures, they totally rock. Great colors. Reminds me of my new CD cover :-)

Was the lighter mark in the reservoir bank the former high-water level?

Keep snapping those pics!

ellen abbott said... 4

that sky cannot be real!

Brian Miller said... 5

i dont know if i have ever seen a sky as blue and

SandyCarlson said... 6

That's an incredibly beautiful place. Very crisp and clean looking. And not shrugging off snow! Love it.

Bossy Betty said... 7

I loved the tour! So beautiful!

Hilary said... 8

Wow... that's wonderful. The colour of the water.. and of the sky is just stunning.

Queenie Jeannie said... 9

WOW!! Stunning photos of gorgeous scenery!!!! Thank you for sharing!

Debbie said... 10

UNBELIEVABLE pictures!! just breathtaking!!

Magaly Guerrero said... 11

Your pictures brought some wonderful memories... I love New Mexico and will always. Did you know that is were Luna (the main character of Blood Grudge) was born? In the middle of a night hike. The moon was full and glorious and I was thinking about this woman who had to change the world. I looked to the sky and knew her name had to be Luna Bravo.

Anonymous said... 12

Oh SueAnn! What magnificent photos!! What a fantastic place for boating!

Joanna Jenkins said... 13

Those blues-- WoW. That a picture view!
Hope you have a great week, xo jj

pchickki said... 14

What a pretty place. Thanks for sharing SueAnn

imbeingheldhostage said... 15

I could cry over this post. These photos are stunning!
WHY did I spend 5 years in NM and never drive out to Elephant B???? It's gorgeous. Have you ever traveled to Lake Powell? That's my home and I miss it more than I ever imagined one could miss a place.

Unknown said... 16

You should write for the state ..
Every time I see your photos I want to visit.