
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Fifty-one!!!

Time Flies....

Time flies...a three dimensional collage!  
Wood, birds' nest, eggs, marble, copper wire, vintage photos...

No matter how much we try to hang on to it...time slips away!

I hope you enjoyed a visit to my collage!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Diandra said... 1

That's beautiful!

Brian Miller said... 2

nice mixed media...the birds nest, eggs are hot...happy saturday

Elizabeth Grimes said... 3

I think it's beautiful! Lovely job creating such an intricate, thoughtful collage to describe 2 very true words.

Lori said... 4

You are so right, time does fly...that's why we have to enjoy the moments we are in...very creative my friend...happy Saturday!

ellen abbott said... 5

yay! I got the whole thing today. I love your collage!

Indrani said... 6

The concept presented so beautifully with this collage.
I loved this post.

Maggie May said... 7

That is an unusually beautiful object and it is true..... time does fly. It seems to speed up much more as you get older.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Betsy Brock said... 8

you made this? I love it! The sentiiment is SO true. and you know I love birds and nests! :)

Janny said... 9

It's a gorgeous piece of work!

Carole said... 10

LOve this piece!!!! and the choice of colors!
Yes time is just slipping thru my fingers......or maybe not fingers.....but just slipping by too fast!

SandyCarlson said... 11

I love this collage. I want to show my daughter this post; she has been trying out collage!

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 12

Beautiful is the word!

Queenie Jeannie said... 13

Ohhh! That is so pretty and interesting! I love these!

Sarah Knight said... 14

Very cool : )

Unknown said... 15

Hello my dear,

I agree with that statement and the older I get the truer it feels. I like to tell myself that I always have this moment right now and that's all I ever need. The rest does not exist except as a thought, a mind created concept.

I love that red! It looks like fluffy flowers or roses. Who can resist red roses during Valentine's season eh?

Sparkling wishes to you for a blissful day.


Unspoken said... 16

Is it me? Or are you a romantic at heart :)?

Joanna Jenkins said... 17

Love all the colors and textures. This is lovely,
Cheers, jj

Kim Mailhot said... 18

What a super yummy, vibrant piece it is, Sue Ann ! Gorgeous !
Happy Sunday !

Artsnark said... 19

Love it! Great mix of theme & colors :D Hope you are off to a fantastic week, my friend