
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Random Tuesday....Storm of the century!!

It is all over the news!!  The big storm...biggest yet...starts in New Mexico and covers the rest of the country from there!!  Well...we did get a blizzard yesterday!!  So far we have 6 inches and it isn't over yet.  Hang on people!  It is headed your way!  Yuck!!  Over the weekend it was 60 degrees and sunny!!  Sigh! 

Spent the weekend in San Diego!  Dr. John and I had fun but the weather wasn't all that great.  Mainly due to the fact that the big storm started there!!  Ha!  So Sunday it was cold, windy and rainy!  So much for California sunshine.  The weather was better in New Mexico!!

Saturday was nice though!  About 60 degrees and sunny!  Loved it!!  We flew Southwest and it went incidents.  Yay!!  We stayed at the Sheraton Four Points and it was cool.  Probably built in the 60's.  Clean and well maintained.  Mission style furniture throughout and lots of large windows and skylights.  Very cool!  Here are a few pics...

We really enjoyed the plants and trees surrounding the hotel!  Huge and lush greenery!!  Palm trees about 40 feet tall!  Amazing!!

The restaurant called Citrus, had excellent food.  For dinner, Dr. John had crab cakes and I had the beef tenderloin strips.  Chocolate cake for dessert..we split!!  Yum!!

There were these beautiful trees growing all over the grounds.  The bark was velvety soft...felt like cork.  We wondered if it was a cork tree but never found out.  Loved this tree!!

The flight home was pleasant and we were glad to land in Albuquerque.  It was around 8 PM and the weather was fabulous!  About 50 degrees and the skies were crystal clear.  We were so glad to get home and sleep in our own bed!  Ahhh!  Bliss!!!

This coming weekend, we are moving the items in our storage unit to a larger unit!!  Oh what fun...moving!!  Yuck!  And the dust covering everything is about 1/4 inch thick!!  So neither of us are looking forward to this one.  My son and his wife and the grands are coming up to help out!  I am so glad!!  And this Saturday is Dr. John's 65th birthday!  Woot!!  Woot!!  Happy Birthday honey!!  I sure do love you!!!

Since the kids are coming, I have to get the guest room put back together!!  Ha!  Right now there are many items still out and about in the room.  I ordered a new light fixture for in there...but it hasn't come yet.  Soooo...back to the old light I guess!  Anyway, lots of stuff to do in there!!

I am right on the cusp of breaking the plateau!!!  Hooray!!!  It is about damn time!!

Got my teeth cleaned last week and they took some x-rays of a trouble spot on my gum.  It is between my two back molars.  Guess I am experiencing some bone loss...and the gum is soft.  So I have to see a Periodontist!!  Oh joy! I am not a fan of the dentist anyway and this is more than I want to hear for sure!!  Of course, since it is a specialist...can't get in until April!  Sigh!  Fine by me!  Ha!!

Well I guess I have randomly rambled on long enough...time to go!  It is 2AM and I need a nap!  Ha!  Don't forget to stop by and visit Keely at The UnMom and see what she is up too!  Not to mention the other Randomizers who are sharing their blogs with us!! 

Have a magical and blessed day!!  Hope this storm isn't as bad as they say it will be??!!

Hugging you


Joanie said... 1

Six inches of snow is not a blizzard. Now three FEET of snow, now THAT'S a blizzard!

Glad you had fun in San Diego!

Enjoy the white stuff!

Brian Miller said... 2

oh i dont like the dentist...6 inches of snow...snort...lovely pics this looks like a great place...and good food!

Kim Mailhot said... 3

Thanks for the little taste of SanDiego green...
Bracing for this crazy storm here too - how about 20 inches ? ;)
It's all good though - my nest is cozy, hubby is working from home and I have paints to play with !
Happy Tuesday !

Hilary said... 4

That's a beautiful tree. I'd love to know what kind it is. The snow has begun here. I suspect it will be more than 6 inches. ;)

Happy Birthday to your hubby!

Bossy Betty said... 5

So glad you got some sun before the blizzard is to hit! Hope you get through it just fine! Thanks for all the great pictures!

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 6

Love the pics, especially the tree! Sorry for the teeth problem, it is necessary to try to fix them? A pain yes.

SandyCarlson said... 7

Ma Nature has us all hunkering down for the next few days. Of course, this is the one storm I didn't shop before, so no adventures in the kitchen. Like you, I'll have to work on the spare room!

I hope your teeth will be OK. Enjoy the family!

Danielle said... 8

Oh I am praying that all those nasty storms clear up as I make my drive back to my home. I am traveling from Northern California (Im stationed there) back to my home in Oklahoma just me and my three year old and I am praying that we don't hit bad weather especially in the New Mexico area.

Anonymous said... 9

We are only going to get some rain out of the storm. The snow is completely missing us. Sounds like you all really are getting hammered though. Stay warm & safe. Those tree pics are awesome!!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said... 10

You can send the snow here, SueAnn! I'd love another snow day. :) How cool that you guys got to see San Diego. :)

Sharon@Keen Inspirations said... 11

Thankfully we are only going to get rain here this time! Stay warm and safe!

Lori said... 12

Sounds and looks like a great weekend. Sorry to see that you and so many are getting hit with such crazy weather that is normal for where I live. Happy Birthday to your husband...happy moving and all that good stuff..very nice that you are getting helpers...enjoy being snowed in. :)

Lori said... 13

Sounds and looks like a great weekend. Sorry to see that you and so many are getting hit with such crazy weather that is normal for where I live. Happy Birthday to your husband...happy moving and all that good stuff..very nice that you are getting helpers...enjoy being snowed in. :)

CiCi said... 14

Glad you enjoyed your stay in San Diego. Hubby and I lived there before we moved to Nebraska. I like the pictures of you, you look great.

Magaly Guerrero said... 15

My porch and car are covered with about an inch or more of ice! Send me some of that heat this way!

Velvet Over Steel said... 16

Some people don't know that a blizzard is the Blowing snow that causes freezing cold and not being able to see! 6" of blowing snow is a Blizzard!! Silly people who don't understand, because I sure do. That's exactly what is raging outside my door again today. Brrrrr..... I'm freezing just listening to the wind.

Stay Safe & Warm my friend!!!!
Sending Hugs back too,
Coreen xoxoxo

Janny said... 17

What a great journey, I love the pictures, the tree is stunning! Enjoy!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said... 18

Awwwww, that warm sunshine makes me a bit (lot) jealous!!! Were packed down with ice, snow and sub~zero weather here. It's gonna take awhile to dig out here on the Ponderosa!!!

Your pictures are just amazin' and that tree is just somethin' else sweetie!!!

God bless and have a beautiful day there in the valley! I heard it was pretty cold there too!

ethelmaepotter! said... 19

Snow - Bah Humbug! I've had enough the last two years to last a lifetime.

BUT...the groundhog says it'll be over soon. Sure hope he knows what he's talking about, because the woolly worms didn't have a clue this season.

That hotel looks amazing! Such beautiful simplicity...and then that ornate fountain! ALL the trees are unique, but I agree, that 'bark' one is fabulous. It reminds me of one of your pieces of art, with all the layers.

Get yourself a cup of tea and settle down where you can watch the blizzard from inside, all snuggly and warm!

Unspoken said... 20

Not a fan of the dentist either, good luck with the periodontist!

Queenie Jeannie said... 21

Stay warm!!!

Gorgeous photos, as usual! Good luck with your move.

Sarah Knight said... 22

Sounds like a fun trip! Wish Dr. John a happy birthday for me! And have lots of cake & ice cream :D

Looks like you avoided most of the storm - you lucky lady!

I hope it warms up here soon ; )

Monica said... 23

Beautiful trees, oh and you're such a beauty in that pic!:)
Sorry for your teeth, hope you fix the problem.
Monica x.