
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Fifty!!!

We have been having fabulous weather of late!  Sunny and blue skies and temperatures hovering around the mid 50's!!  It has been extremely cold in the early mornings and evenings though; but no snow!!  We are all excited about that!!

In honor of my dear friends and family, who are suffering with the cold and heavy snows, I pulled out some earlier snow pics that I had taken in November, 2010.  Snow is the one thing that can change the landscape dramatically!!  And I am sure that you, like me, are longing for spring and summer about now.  So, here are my snow pics which I have altered to enhance the natural beauty.  Ha!!

Beautiful...ethereal....awe-inspiring!  As well as cold...wet...and a nuisance!!! Ha!!  I hope you have enjoyed my tribute to snow!?!  And I raise my glass as a toast to the coming can't get here soon enough!!

May you all have a beautiful, blessed and magical day!!  I am off to San Diego!!  Woot!!

Hugging you


Diandra said... 1

Lovely pictures... I love snow, but I am all set and ready for spring. And so is nature around here, I've seen the first flowers of the year!

Brian Miller said... 2

the red pops against that snow macks for some great pictures...the mosaic as well really pics...

Tabor said... 3

So many lovely shades of red on a cold winter's day!

Elizabeth Grimes said... 4

Your snow tribute is beautiful. Enjoy your good weather!

Unknown said... 5

love the processing, the colours.

makes me wish snow was a permanent thing.

okay, not really.

have a good trip, SueAnn

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 6

I am tired of snow, but it is beautiful. I am happy that our weather is warm also in GA

SandyCarlson said... 7

I am glad your world is warming up! Thanks for thinking of igloo-bound folks!

Mimi said... 8

Beautiful shots. I wish that we didn't have so very much snow here for so very long here in Michigan. You get too sick of it to appreciate it!


Sharon@Keen Inspirations said... 9

Beautiful pictures! I too am sick of snow and am sooo grateful to the sunny and "warm" day that we enjoyed today!
Looking forward to spring! :-)

Hilary said... 10

I can see you incorporating twigs and snowy cotton in your next piece of art...

Anonymous said... 11

Wonderfully magically snow pictures!

Sarah Knight said... 12

Beautiful shots!

Anonymous said... 13

Hi Sueann, Embracing life 2 painting is finsihed. If you don't like it or think it won't go with your home. I can always paint another and you cn pick between the two? So no worries as I know its so different from the last one.

Kat said... 14

I am so glad that this year, despite the cold, we have been relatively snow free. However, other parts of the UK have gotten slammed (especially up north). Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Kat (3 Bedroom Bungalow...too lazy to switch accts)

Jill said... 15

In some ways I do miss snow (none up here in the tropics!), but I DON"T miss the cold!!
Normally I'd say our tropical weather up here is the best - but with a BIG cyclone on its way I'm not so sure today.....

Lori said... 16

Great captures! Since it is snowing as I type and we have months of this still to come, I don't allow myself to start longing for spring yet. Yes I am getting a little sick of the bitter cold and we have enough snow to make for a very messy spring...I imagine my filthy dirty little's and I kind of cringe...oh well thats why we have a washer! :) Have fun in San Diego!!

Joanna Jenkins said... 17

Hi SueAnn, I'm not a fan of cold and snow but these pictures are lovely. The against the white flakes is very eye-catching.
Have a great week, xo jj

Queenie Jeannie said... 18

Beautiful photos!!! And I'm soooo glad to not be dealing with all that white stuff, lol!

Magaly Guerrero said... 19

Wow! I just saw this beautiful (cold as all hell) snow and felt a bit better about my car being frozen. I just hate being miserable by myself lol. And I must say that the view of my trees covered in ice was amazing, they look like crystallized wood; I wish I had taken some pics...