
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Random Tuesday....Sunshine and Lollipops!!!!

And rainbows...everything is wonderful since we're together.  La La la la la!!  Damn song is stuck in my head!!  Ha!  Hope you are well!!  It is Random Tuesday again!!  Woot!! Woot!!   January 18th!!  So much closer to spring!  I can do this!  Our winter has been soooooo mild....cold..but no snow to speak of.  I am a happy camper for sure!!  Yesterday got up to 53 degrees and plenty of sunshine too!  Snow is expected by Thursday...but only flurries.  I can do flurries!   Spring...ahhhhhhh!!!!!!

Well today I am sad!  Took down my Christmas decorations yesterday and now I feel bare and naked.  Brrrrr!!  But the good news is I started with the Valentine decorations!!  Yeah!!  And some Valentine goody boxes for my grands!

More decorations to stay tuned!!  Just getting started!

I love signs!  Inspirational ones!  Here is my newest one....

And all I will add to this is...............AMEN!!!

I don't know if I ever introduced you to my art doll...Sasha!  She is made of composition material.  Her body is wood and her dress is copper.  Isn't she something?

Dr. John and I are going to San Diego the end of this month for the weekend.  At least, that is the plan!!  Any one live near there?  I would love to meet for lunch!!  Wouldn't that be fabulous?  Dr. John is going to be filming a Webinar for Structural Engineers.  So I get to tag along!  Woot!!  Let me know about lunch?  Or if you have any suggestions as to what I should try and see.  Will really only have one day to make it a good one!!  Ha!

Coming soon....the story of how Dr. John and I ended up in New Mexico!!  It is quite thrilling actually and I am surprised we have made it!! 

Remember my New Years' word?   ACHIEVE!!  Well so far I have organized my studio, my hall closet and some storage areas in the living room.  I have taken down the Christmas decorations and put them all away...well almost all.  I forgot the mantel stuff...oops!!!  And now I will begin the guest bedroom.  It has needed work for some time.  I purchased a new duvet cover and sheets for the bed.  So, I will take before, during and after pics for you.  I will keep you posted!

I also got the new painting started...I sketched in the design and will begin "fleshing" it out this week!!

Sooooo....ACHIEVE is going pretty well so far I would say.  How are you all doing?  I also got back into walking again.  The treadmill is my new walking buddy! kicks my butt!!!  But I miss walking with Miss Cheri!!  Sniff!  Soon the weather will break and it will become a regular feature in our lives once again.  Right now, it is hit and miss!

This Saturday is the Holiday party!  Woot!!  Dr. John and I are getting dressed to the nines!  My son and his wife will be there too!!  Karaoke and times!  I will take pics!  My granddaughter, Cassie, is coming too!  So we will have a blast!  Ahhhhhhh....Mojito!!!!!!!

Oh!  The Wacom Bamboo Pen...sigh!  What a disappointment!  I couldn't get the drivers to load properly and it was quite awkward to use too!  You need some space to be able to use the pad correctly.  And I don't know about you, but space around the computers is a premium!  Tight to say the least!  That of course, is not their fault...but I'm just sayin'!!  Anyway, when I first fired it up, it worked just fine.  Took about one hour to load it.  But the next day, when I got it out to wouldn't work right?  You are supposed to be able to use the entire monitor area and it only gave me a small corner of it.  Try as I might, I couldn't get it to expand!!  Quite frustrating!  So I am sending it back!  I think I will continue to hold out for an HP Touchsmart 600t Desktop PC or the HP TouchSmart tm2t and the Premium TouchSmart Web Printer!  They used it on Project Runway to design their cool!  It is on my wish list for sure.

Ahbhh!  Be still my heart!

I believe I have Randomed you enough...time to go!!  Make sure and stop by Miss Keely at The UnMom and see what Randomness she has as well as all the other Randomizers!!  Have fun!!

Make sure and have a blessed and magical day!!
Hugging you


Kristine said... 1

Love your valentine stuff and that doll is gorgeous!!!!

Wishing you a Happy Random Tuesday from Ontario, Canada!!!

Anonymous said... 2

Ohhh loving your valentine heart deco's ... they are beautiful !! Also i think Sasha is gorgeous
hugs June xxx

Tabor said... 3

good reminder on Valentines since I will be on travel and should get something for the grands!

Brian Miller said... 4

out with one holiday in with the next...san diego sounds fun...glad you are achieving!

Michele said... 5

Love the art doll. Have fun in San Diego. You must go to the beach.

Lori said... 6

Glad to hear that you are achieving quite a bit these days...very cool...I laughed when I seen your tree because I have a friend that has done that...I will not be showing your tree to my little lady as she would surely cry since she will still break out in tears whenever she remembers the like a fun trip is in your if you ever get to Minnesota I will surely come meet you...I wouldn't recommend coming any time soon though since we are waist high in snow and the temperatures are going to stay around 0 all week. Ugh! Hope you Tuesday is terrific! XX

Magaly Guerrero said... 7

You and my Piano Man most be in sync, he just took down his holiday decorations too.

So going to good old San Diego, huh? Hope you had a fun, I had a blast when I went there to teach (weapons and troop handling). We'll meet when you come to New York!

I love the wood and copper doll, you are so creative.

I'm also happy spring is nearer, tomorrow is The Return of the Lights! Let's hope Old Man Winter gets the memo because things are not looking too bright in NYC.


Keely said... 8

You've probably ACHIEVED more so far than I did all last year!

I love my Bamboo tablet & pen. But the driver is a bit hinky, yeah.

Kristina P. said... 9

I love the Valentine tree!

ellen abbott said... 10

Oh yay! The comments part showed up. I haven't been able to comment on your blog because the bottom part blinks out of existence when I scroll down. today it's all here though.

You sound so busy! Have fun on your trip and holiday party (what holiday?).

ethelmaepotter! said... 11

I love your doilie tree! I tried leaving my red stuff up til Valentine's one year, and Fred didn't like he SURPRISED me by taking it all down while I slept.

I took me literally months to undo the mess he made.

I am currently in the process of taking mine down; everything's down except the big tree and its ornaments. But, like you, I'll be sure to miss something!

Mimi said... 12

I'm feeling ready for some Valentine cheer!

Hugs & love,

Hilary said... 13

Wow you certainly are keeping busy.. achieve indeed! I could use some sunshine and lollipops too!

Bee said... 14

I find it charming (and SO indicative of your personality) that you go straight from Christmas to Valentine's Day.
Happy days to you, SueAnn. xx

Fragrant Liar said... 15

ACHIEVE! I love that you chose that word, and now that you've taken down the tree, add a mark to your achievements tally. :-)

Liz Mays said... 16

I like signs like that too. I really should do more Valentine's decorating. I'm weak on that holiday.

SandyCarlson said... 17

Love your Valentine's Day stuff, SueAnn. Today we had a snow day, so my daughter and I transformed our Christmas wreath into a Mardi Gras wreath. We don't go for naked, either.

God bless.

Unspoken said... 18

i like your decorations. Bring 'em on. Also, looking to move to sun in a year. tell us how you got where you are :).

NANCY LEFKO said... 19

Have fun with your Valentine decorating :) and have a great time in San Diego...we lived there many moons ago....fond memories! As always, thanks for visiting!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said... 20

Random on sister, I'm enjoyin' every minute of it! :o)

I do this in Kid's Church...we turn the Christmas Tree into the Valentine's Tree. Woohoo!!!

From the wild and crazy hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day now...ya hear!

Clowncar said... 21

achieve is such a nice new year's word.

and so nice you waited til Jan 17 to take down Christmas stuff. I feel like a slacker if I have it up after the new year. maybe next year I'll resolve to leave decorations up year round.

Jill said... 22

Oh have fun singing karaoke at the weekend! I love it! We have our own karaoke machine here at home, great for really heavy rainy days when the neighbours can't hear you belting out those songs!! :)

pchickki said... 23

The doll left me speechless! The decorations are wonderful and I want to say that I wish I lived near San Diego I would love to meet you for lunch!!! Darn it!!

Thanks for your comments on my blog. You are an amazing artist in so many different things. I so enjoy your blog too.

Hugs to you SueAnn and I will be waiting to see what you come up with next :)

LaurieAnna's Vintage Home said... 24

Ha, the song sticking in your head made me smile :)) I recognize that new sign.....made me smile again :))

Always so nice to drop by and see what you're up to SueAnn!

Maggie May said... 25

Love coming to see your treasures.
That song will be on my mind now. Thanks very much!
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Amanda @ Serenity Now said... 26

Oh, I love the doilies in the tree!!! So cute, SueAnn. :)