
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Random Tuesday....It's a new day!!!

A new day has begun and it is Random time!!! Todays' sunrise comes to you from Sandia Park, New Mexico....(my back yard)!  The majesty of this sight always takes my breath away!  Sigh!!

The Valentine tree is done!

And when the night needs some spicin' up...I always have a boa or two to use!!  That will put a smile on Dr. John's face!!!

Went to Dr. John's company party last Saturday night!  We had fun times! 

My son and my daughter-in-law (Ginger) were there and they brought my granddaughter Cassie, and her roommate, Brittany!  It was Karaoke night!  Dr. John, Cassie and Brittany all sang and they have fabulous voices!!

Party pics..........

My son, Lee and his wife, Ginger
Friends and co-workers, Charity and Derek
Brittany and Cassie
Cassie and Dr. John
Dr. John and myself
Brittany belting it out

Cassie singing her tunes

Dr. John singing, "Luck be a Lady Tonight"

Cassie, Ginger and Brittany shaking a leg!!

Totally awesome night!  And they even gave Dr. John an award!  His very own Aluminum Album!!!!  Too funny!  Called him Johnny L.!!!  The singing sensation from Akron, Ohio!!  Woot!!  Woot!!  (Dr. John used to sing with the GoodYear Choir in Akron, Ohio!) 


Went to town yesterday and picked up Cassie and Brittany.  We all went to get our Nails done and we met up with my good friend, Cheri!  Good times!!  And it was a bit wild and crazy at times!  A nail tech was squirting lotion into her hand to massage Cassie's legs and the lotion went spraying up in the air.  Went all over the place!!!  Then, shortly after, my nail tech, Jessica, was taking the polish off of my nails and popped off the end of my nail!!  Ha!  Needed a new nail after that!!  Just another wild n' crazy time at the nail salon.

Well, my Bears lost their bid to the Super Bowl.  Looks like it will be the Packers and the Steelers cutting up the gridiron!  My granddaughter, Emma and my mother will be happy.  They are total Steeler fans!!!  It should be a good game!  We will see!!

I am still stuck on a weight plateau, so, at the suggestion of Cheri, I am doing the St. Joseph Hospital Diet.  Strange combination of food but supposed to kick the weight loss into high gear.  So we will see.  I will keep you posted!!  So far...nothing has happened on the scales but she says, don't give up. Sooooo....I wait!!

San Diego this weekend!  Hope I can get some sightseeing in.  Only be there for 1/2 a day on Saturday and 1/2 a day on Sunday.  At least, at the very minimum, I will see some sunshine and warmth!!  I mean, is California!!

Dr. John is hard at work on his book.  His publisher gave him a deadline of the end of March!  So he will be burning the midnight oil on this one!! 

I am still in process for the guest bedroom re-do!  Here is what it looked like before I started...

So far I have the bed done and I ordered a pole lamp for the room.  Like I said before, the color of the walls is still I won't change that!  The back wall has wooden cut outs on it.  I wanted to add dimension to the wall.  But I didn't want to do your typical molding or paneling.  I will keep you posted.

Enough of the Random already...I should have called this Random Picture day?!  Ha!!  Don't forget to stop over and visit Keely at The UnMom!  See if she is battling Zombies or the like!  Not to forget...visit all the Randomizers that will leave their links there!!  Fun way to get to know bloggers you may not be familiar with.  So hop on over!  I will wait!!!!!!!!!

Have a blessed and magical day!
Hugging you


Cindy said... 1

Hi SueAnn, that sunset or sunrise is just amazing. wow. I am always astounded at the colors...the pinks oh my. I love that you guys were out karaoke, it used to be one of my favorite past times. Can't wait to see how the bedroom turns out. Don't get discouraged about the weightloss, it will come. hugs to you my friend.

Kristine said... 2

Gorgeous pictures! I love the purple boas on the tree and the angel in your guest bedroom on the floor is FABULOUS!!!! I love primitives like that. :D

Happy RTT!!

Magaly Guerrero said... 3

I LOVE your tree! I know I always say this (but I mean it) one of these days I'll start posting pics of my wonderfully colorful trees and they will be inspired by yours.

Stacy Uncorked said... 4

LOVE your Valentine Tree! And I was cracking up over the possible alternate use of the boa's... ;)

What a fun company party! And that Aluminum Album Award is Awesome! :)

Your sunrise pic is, as usual, stunning! :)

Have fun in San Diego! :)

RTT: Head Colds and Renovations

Lori said... 5

Wow! That sunset is gorgeous...your tree turned out wonderful..will show my little's later today...your party looks like fun...all that singing and dancing...and very fun award that Dr. John are the neatest grandma in picking them up to have girl time with you...have fun in California...hope you take pictures to share them with us! Good luck on the diet thing...I am working hard at it too but not having much luck yet...hope your Tuesday is terrific!

Anonymous said... 6

I was pulling for the Bears too but Cutler's a sorry sack of... well, you know. Maybe next year!

Bossy Betty said... 7

Cute Valentine's Day tree! Looking forward to the bedroom re-do too!

christina said... 8

that's my kind of tree! i love it!

Kristina P. said... 9

The tree is beautiful! So fanciful.

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 10

Love these random pics! It is such a happy family to see

Whitney said... 11

Following you back from Random Tuesday Thoughts. :) Love your sunrise pic, what a gorgeous way to start the day!

Whitney @ Honey Bunches of "Oaks"

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said... 12

I can't wait to see the finished bedroom, I just know it's gonna be great!!!!

Awww, what memories. My cousins and I had many canpin' trips in those Sandia Mountains. The trips to the Crest and rainbow trout fishin'. I spent my summers with my Grandmother in Albuquerque NM.

God bless ya and have a glorious day!!!

Brian Miller said... 13

nice i like your valentine tree! and the party looks like a lot of fun. we just re did the bathroom...makingour way down the hall...

MB Shaw said... 14

I love these random updates from you. They are so fun and I feel like a get to know you a wee bit better :)
And yeah, we were bummed about Da Bears too. Argh, now I don't know who to root for at the SuperBowl. Commercials I guess.

Velvet Over Steel said... 15

Your backyard is Georgeous, SueAnne!! & I love the Valentine tree.. so creative!

Great pictures of you friends and family too!!! Packed full post here! :-)

Hope you're having a Wonderful week!!

Artsnark said... 16

Love the tree! Looks like a grand time & hope you have fun on the trip

Monica said... 17

Love the tree and the guest bedroom! Can't wait to see the re-do!
You are such a kind and sweet lady, Sue Ann! I wish I could visit more often. You put a big smile on my face always leaving your nice words of support on my little blog :)) Thank youuuuuuuuu!!!
Big hugs,
Monica xo

Debbie said... 18

You do bring a smile to my face with those party photos! You all seem like such a fun family.

Unknown said... 19

What a cute Valentine tree. And it looks like your guest room is going to be toooooo cute! Can't wait to see more.

Anonymous said... 20

Sueann, thank you so much for sharing your time with family. The photos are all so lovely.
I'm so pleased you like how the painting is going on. I was hoping you we're. I can't wait for you to recieve it. I feel like I'm painting love. It feels such an honour, thank you so much. I wouldn't of painted it otherwise. I would of gone a different way.
Loads of love!

Unspoken said... 21

Love the sunrise.

Joanie said... 22

Looks like y'all had a great time!

Love the purple boas on the tree! I work with a girl who has a silver and purple Christmas tree. I'll definitely tell her about the boas.

SandyCarlson said... 23


SandyCarlson said... 24

Beautiful, all....

Shabby Vintage Junk said... 25

Hello SueAnn....!

THANKS for your note Lovey....It's MUCH appreciated & so HEART WARMING to know people don't think I'm 'daft'.... :o) !!

That has got to be one of the MOST MAGNIFICENT sunsets EVER....How LUCKY are you to see that from your back yard....!

I LOVE that you have a Valentines Tree....hmmmmmm....I MAY have to pinch that idea....I HOPE you don't mind.... :o) !!

HEAVENS....That looked like one FINE company party....If mine had a been that much fun I may have attended....hahahahaha....!

I hope you're having a WONDERFUL week....!

Cheers from Oz,
Tamarah :o)

Carole said... 26

The Valentine tree looks great. i think it's time I take our Christmas decorations down but now I don't want to deal with the mess. Time to get some hearts up at least.
Hope the new diet goes well....I've lost nata! or is it nada? 00000


Joanna Jenkins said... 27

The crown at the top of your Valentine Tree is just perfect! Love it.

Hope you have a great time in San Diego-- The weather in So. Calif. has been fabulous. ENJOY!

xo jj

Seahorse Ranch Girl said... 28

You temptress! Don't tease us with thoughts of you draped in those boas. Your tree is divinely over-the-top. Guess the redecorating bug is on the move. I'm redecorating my room, too. I'm using a bedroom from House Beautiful for my inspiration. Boy, does my room NOT look like the professionally decorated one. Need more stuff, and no clutter!

Tumble Fish Studio said... 29

I see your lovely sunrise and read the words Sandia Park and I am taken back to good vacations with stops in that area! Oh, wish I could be there now for a little visit. What a sky to be inspired from!

I love your Valentine tree! What a cool idea! I love seeing all of your projects and work and endeavors. It's fun to read about and makes me in the mood to get more done!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Unknown said... 30

Wonderful sunrise! Just a couple of weeks now and we too will be able to see the sun. I am so looking forward to that.

Still super fascinated that you keep your tree up all year, and the valentine edition looks fab with it's feathered boa. You even have matching gifts!

You look good! and men with mustache and beard looks so charming. :)

Nail salon sounds like fun, no such thing here...(just ordinary manicure and pedicure, nothing fancy at all, and at the cost of 100 dollars for one of them :( )

Good for you keeping a positive attitude when loosing weight!!!

Sounds like you are having fun in the guest room.

Random post give the us readers a chance to see a bit more and different side of the people we like out there in blogland.
