
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Forty-Seven!!!

Faces of the season....

On a cold January day, I awaken to the face of God...

Faces... cling to our memories.  Some bring joy...others bring peace...and a few bring sadness and pain.  Faces...enrich our lives!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Debbie said... 1

love the faces of christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sharon's Cottage Quilts said... 2

Dearest Sweet SueAnn! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Your awesome photos make my heart long for the west! A beautiful collage! I missed you! Hugs, Sharon

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 3

LOVE the photos! Yes faces do enrich our lives

Lori said... 4

I like your faces of Christmas even though I am very happy it's over. :) Yes, faces do enrich our lives....whenever I see enormous beauty whether it's in nature or seeing people do an act of kindness or a really kind face, I always say it's like looking at the face of God.

Thank you for sharing your eye for beauty with us. Happy weekend dear lady. XX

Bossy Betty said... 5

Thanks SueAnn--love these early morning pictures!!!

Kristina P. said... 6

Such a gorgeous sunset!

Joanie said... 7

The colors of your sunrise are incredible!!

Love the faces of the season too!

Paula In Pinetop said... 8

Hi there. Found you over in the comments at Mary Beth's blog. I thought those skies looked very New Mexico! I'm in Rio Rancho. I also make dolls, not at all like yours, more like Jane DesRosier's.

Nice to find you !!!!!!!!!!!!

Maggie May said... 9

Those sunrises...... Incredible.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Magaly Guerrero said... 10

Ah those faces that make you remember about the hearts and events attached them... they are indeed the sugar and salt of our dreams, aren't day?

Today I thought about a professor of mine. He passed away last year, and I missed him. I remember him because I was having a few frustrated moments, but I didn't lose my cool. I thought that his face would have been full of smiles if he could have seen how much more patient I've become. Maybe he is looking and giggling.

Happy 2011 my dear.

SandyCarlson said... 11

Your photos are very, very wonderful. So sweet and personal and real.

Joanie said... 12

I left something for you on my blog!

Queenie Jeannie said... 13

Great photos!!! It's nice to know SOMEONE can see the sun and sky, lol!!!

Joanna Jenkins said... 14

Beautiful, beautiful message SueAnn.
Cheers, jj

Hilary said... 15

Wow that first image just stopped me in my tracks. So sparkly and beautiful.