
Monday, January 10, 2011

Work Complete....Installed!!

Yeah!!  The piece is installed at RMC Attorneys at Law in Albuquerque, New Mexico!!!  And it looks fabulous if I do say so myself!!  Ha!

Bob is thrilled with the piece and Dr. John did an excellent job on installing it.  This one went up much easier than the large one!!  Much!!!!! 

I tried to take pictures of the piece in it's new location as well as some close ups.  Wanted you to get the true feeling of it.

This one I entitled "Transitions".  As you can see...a little more colorful and lots of rich texture. 
Hope you enjoyed seeing it in it's new home!  I sure did!  And a big thanks to Dr. John for all his help and support and to Bob Muehlenweg for his continued patronage!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Magaly Guerrero said... 1

Well that's a lucky office! To get so much brightness, and not mention the good vibrations that come with your work!

Hugs my dear.

Lori said... 2

Your talents are just amazing. Transitions is a perfect name for this peice. Great work and how cool to see it hanging some place else! Happy Monday! XX

Joanie said... 3

That's beautiful!! I love when you show off your work!

Brian Miller said... 4

oh that is a lovely piece...very nicely have such talent...

Cindy said... 5

I agree you are so very talented, and it is so unique. I love it. I keep saying I am going to get back at my art and then the days just fly by. think of you often. hugs.

ellen abbott said... 6

Oh, I like this one a lot!

Unknown said... 7

That is so beautiful Sue Ann. The colors are amazing, and the texture just makes it come alive. I can see why they love it.

How long did it take to make something like that?

Sniffles and Smiles said... 8

Oh, SueAnn!!! It's simply stunning!!! Wow! He must be so pleased!!! I do so love your work!! Was thinking of you, and decided to stop by...and I'm so glad I did!! Sending much love~Janine oxox

Hilary said... 9

That's so wonderful. How proud you must feel to see it hanging there. And rightfully so. Excellent!

Anonymous said... 10

Oh my gosh! It's gorgeous! I feel like I need to touch it! High-5 to you!

Carole said... 11

Yes I agree with Jillsy girl it makes you want to touch it. I guess it's that same feeling when I go to a fabric the feel between my fingers.

Unknown said... 12

Wow, looks great. congratulations

Unknown said... 13

Wow, looks great. congratulations

Indrani said... 14

Great art piece. Lucky who owns it!

Jennie said... 15

This is a beautiful piece of art. I hope you're well; so sorry for not posting a hello in so long.

Happy New Year!

Jennie and the Pretty Pekes

Unknown said... 16

I really love the colours... it looks absolutely fabulous in the space. Congratulations to the artist and the owner.

VioletSky said... 17

Looks great, SueAnn.
And I love that it is in an office - so cool to be able to see original art and especially fabric art

SandyCarlson said... 18

Sure does look super!

Stay warm!

Maggie May said... 19

It looks lovely and my eye keeps getting drawn to that shorter blue strip! Great success.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Unknown said... 20

It turned out fantastic! I can just imagine all the lovely texture!
