
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Random Tuesday....Woot!! Happy New Year!!

We all made it!  Whew!!  2011 here we are!!  Maybe a little frayed around the edges but we are now on the other side!  Very cool!  I feel very futuristic...don't you?  I mean....seriously!!!

Had a wonderful dinner on New Years' Eve with Paul and Cheri, Mike and Cathy and Dr. John and myself.  We all cleaned up pretty good too!  Here we are...

And as I promised...a picture of me in the "dress"!!

I loved this dress!  And it was so easy to wear! 
Then Dr. John and I went home, got into PJ's and bought a movie on PPV.  We watched The A-Team!!  Fun movie too!!  Bed by 10:30PM!  Ha!  Woke up at midnight and wished each other a Happy New Year and then went back to sleep! 

The next day we watched another movie...The Sorcerer's Apprentice!  That was a fun movie too but more like a teen action/adventure movie.  Enjoyable but not too deep.  Football and snacks were the order for the rest of the day. 

Boy has it been cold and icy!!  Below 20 degrees most days and all the roads around here are still iced up.  Went into town on Friday, the 31st and hit Hobby Lobby one last time.  Got a cool storage tote in brown and pink for all my scrapbook papers and such.  I use these papers in my collages.  Anyway, they are 12" x 12" and hard to store.  Now they have their own little home.  Stylish too!!

See how roomy??  Love it!!  Also got some of my studio that was a win, win day for sure!!

I have a new work in progress.  This is what I am starting with...

I thought you would be impressed!!  Ha!!  One large "blank" canvas!  Yikes!

My home is officially southwest now.  We have our very own steer!!

Meet the newest addition to our family!  Isn't he cute??  Actually, I love him....he is so cool!!  Love him!!

Another new member of our family....

I was at an office and they made me a cup of coffee with this and boy it was the best cup of coffee!!  So I lusted after one ever since.  Target had them on sale...sooooo...I bought one!  And guess what...the best cup of coffee this morning.  And what is cup at a time.  No more wasted coffee!  There is just the two of us so this is perfect!!  We can still grind our own beans too and use them with the special filter.  So another!!  No I am not getting any credits from Keurig...just love their machine is all.  And their coffee is great!

The good news is spring is just around the corner!!  Woot!!  Woot!  I always get like this when I hit January.  I need the encouragement!  Ha!

  For all those who need a spring it is...Easter celebration on my table!  Ahhhh!  Thanks I needed that!

I shall end my Randomness with a fabulous sunrise...

Make sure and check out Keely at The UnMom!!  She is over there waiting for the zombie attack.  She is sure it is coming any day now.  I better get out my machete!!

I have been enjoying reading all the New Year's posts and many have chosen a word or a set of resolutions to run with this year.  My word for 2011 is "ACHIEVE".  I was going with "RETRY" as Hilary suggested but I thought this added a bit more punch.  Soooooo...this is what I am going with!

Happy New Year everyone!!  I so enjoy your comments and your blogs!!  Thank you so made my 2010 a wonderful year!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


IT IS ALLY said... 1

Lovely dress! And I want a steer's head. We used to have one hanging on our gate where I grew up, in the country... should have taken it with us when we moved! Maybe I'll go back and steal it in the dead of night. Doubt it's still there though...

Happy 2011, it does feel like we're living in the future - I want my jetpack already. Hope another great year of blogging is ahead, I enjoy reading your blog and always look forward to your comments on mine!


Diandra said... 2

Great dress!!!

Suldog said... 3

I really like the holiday treatment under the steer head. Pretty. And, do you have coffee mugs that you only use during the Christmas season? MY WIFE and I do - about 10 of them - which is why I ask. Just wondering if anyone else is slightly off their nut when it comes to such things... :-)

Elizabeth Grimes said... 4

Wow. Sounds like a great holiday. I think the best part about getting dressed up for something is coming home and putting on PJs. :) Happy New Year!

Brian Miller said... 5

it is a lovely dress...and i like the decor with the skull...sounds like you had a lot of fun...happy new year!

Lori said... 6

Love the dress on you! Very nice dinner and then getting in your pj's and watching a movie sounds wonderful. My sister has that coffee maker and they love it. Another thing for my wish like your word for 2011...mine is "seek to embrace"'s to 2011 and all that we want to achieve! XX

LaurieAnna's Vintage Home said... 7

Love your dress, and really love your word for the year!

I love all the New Year's posts too, great inspiration!

Kristina P. said... 8

Wow, you look stunning! You definitely achieved with that one. :)

Anonymous said... 9

My mother had that coffee maker and I am madly in love with it. Madly.

Hilary said... 10

Wow, SueAnn, that's a lovely dress. You look fabulous!

Bossy Betty said... 11

Love this uplifting update! What a wonderful start to the year you have had!

Joanie said... 12

You look fabulous in that dress!!!

I got a Keurig for Christmas and I love it! I am enjoying a cup of Gloria Jean's Caramel Toffee coffee and it's yummy! I also have a gizmo for my Keurig called My K-cup. It's an adapter so I can use my own coffee in the Keurig. Sells for about $18. You can also use it for loose tea.

We had a quiet NYE. In jammies before 7 pm. I brought dinner home from work. We watched Holiday Inn and White Christmas. Struggled to stay awake until midnight. John and I both had to work on NYD.

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 13

So nice to meet you! Love the pics, and the addition to your family!

imbeingheldhostage said... 14

Well you've "achieved" a wonderfully cheerful post SueAnn, so well done on this 2011 new start! And I love me a blank canvas-- so many possibilities!

Deb said... 15

Happy New Year ! Thank you for the kind words you left over at my place. I am slowly getting back on track after a few zigs and zags. I hope to be a better blogger in 2011 ~ I will have to think about what my one word for 2011 would be...hmmm. And I do love the blank canvas ~ so many possibilities !

Mimi said... 16

That dress looks amazing on you!


Jill said... 17

Fabulous dress!! Achieve is a great word for this year! Mine shall be success - and I shall concentrate on them all - big and small!
Sending you wonderful warm sunny wishes from Cairns for a fabulous 2011!

Unknown said... 18

you are so rocking that dress!

Liz Mays said... 19

You cracked me up when you said you were in bed early then woke up at midnight then back to bed.

You look amazing in that dress.

Queenie Jeannie said... 20

All kinds of good stuff going on in your world!! You're so lucky to be able to pop into Hobby Lobby whenever you want to!!

pchickki said... 21

Nice group photo SueAnn
Love the dress and your are beautiful in it.
Love the steer skull too. The coffee maker....I have had one for a year and I never want to be without it!

Debbie said... 22

Love the dress! Your new years eve sounded fun!!! And now I want your coffee maker LOL!!! since its just me..maybe I should keep an eye out for one!!:)

Stacy Uncorked said... 23

Love the dress, the steer and your new tote! And I love the Keurig - I think we have the exact same sure has made life easier (and no wasted coffee...score!!) :)

Happy New Year! :)

RTT: Late Christmas, New Year Murphy's Law

beth said... 24

i think black is your look MAH VA LUS !!

i wish i could help you with your blog....your photos aren't fitting on your can go back into your template and there's a slide rule to let you resize the middle area of your designed page.....

BUT it will cut off your side bars.....sooooo the only thing i can think of is to use a natural background to gain more space overall....

Maggie May said... 25

Lovely dress.
I enjoyed the Spring flowers best. Makes me think of what is to come.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Amanda @ Serenity Now said... 26

Love your neat little roller bag!!!! You looked so pretty in your dress. :) Happy New Year!!!

Diane said... 27

The dress is beautiful and you look wonderful in it!!

My word for 2011 is 'Do'... I'm working on it ;).

Happy New Year, my bloggy friend, and thank you SO much for all your lovely comments on mine!! XO

SandyCarlson said... 28

You look GREAT in that dress. I enjoyed the post and can relate to waking up to greet the new year very briefly!

Good luck with that new canvas!

Carole said... 29

Super dress.
I'm sure you'll have that canvas filled in no time.


Kim Mailhot said... 30

Happy New Year, Sue Ann !
It looks like you had a fine celebration. It also looks like you are putting some good things into place so 2011 can be a year where you ACHIEVE a lot.
Wishing you light,love and wonderful creative moments !

Jenn said... 31

SueAnn, you look awesome!! Love the dress!!! I adored the A-Team movie... hope you and Dr. John watched the parts after the credits. They were so funny!!
Glad you had a wonderful new years' eve! And the steer's head? Wow! A friend brought one from TX a a few years back and it gives their living room such an interesting feel. Love it!

Joanna Jenkins said... 32

You and your dress are absolutely gorgeous! Looks like you had a fun New Years-- Haven't seen the A-Team yet but it looks like an entertaining watch.

Your sunsets are so stunning. I always look forward to seeing them.

Happy New Year! jj

ethelmaepotter! said... 33

Wow! I can't get over you in that dress! It looks so luxurious, and the drape to the side with the way it falls to the floor is perfect! Great neckline choice too. It's just perfect in every way!

Betsy Brock said... 34

Look at YOU!!!! Wow...that is a gorgeous dress! You look fabulous!
What a fun time!

Indrani said... 35

Beautiful dress and you look great in it.
Wish you and all your loved ones a very happy new year!

Magaly Guerrero said... 36

Happy New Year!!! Again lol

You look fabulous. And your coffee maker looks yummy too ;-)

So you watched movies, huh? I haven't seen the A-Team yet, but I want to. My Piano Man and I spent New Year's Eve with friends and made a bunch of noise at midnight. We went home at about 2:30am and got a flat tire on a bridge. My hero changed the tired, then we went home a passed out.

Tire troubles aside, it was a great day.

The Crazy Coxes said... 37

Love the dress! Your New Year's Eve/Day sounds fabulous! My kind of celebration!

Your Spring/Easter celebration display looks fun and cheerful. Just the thing for gray January!