
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Random Tuesday....OMG! Am I cold!!

With the wind blowing and even with the sun is below 20 degrees F. !!!  Yesterday I couldn't wear enough coats!  Ha!  Went to lunch at Chili's and about froze to death just walking from my car to the front door of the restaurant!!  Ouch!  Biting...freezing...cold!  I so want summer to come!!

Went back to Cracker Barrel and they still had some Christmas items on sale!!  And I spotted these tall "Grinch-like" Christmas trees!  I just had to have them!  And they were only $7.00 after a discount of 70%!!
Woot!  Woot!!  Aren't they adorable??

As you can see...I still have Christmas up!  Ha!  I am working on Valentine...well, I have found some items I want to use to decorate!  So come end of January...Valentine will go up and Christmas will go down.  I just love my Christmas decorations!!  They are so twinkly and bright!!  Plus, it took me four weeks to get it all put up!!!  So no way am I taking it down right now!!  Ha!

I forgot to tell you I won a $30.00 gift certificate to Willow House about 6 weeks ago.  Finding Fabulous, (Jane) had a giveaway and I was the lucky winner.  I visited Willow House's store and picked out the beautiful glass pastel ornaments and a glass hurricane.  Basically, all I had to pay was shipping!  Not too bad and I love what I got.  Willow House was fun to shop at too!  Thanks so much Jane!!  I am enjoying my wins for sure!!  Oh!  And you should put Finding Fabulous on your "follow" is an amazing blog and Jane is fabulous for sure!!!

I spent the weekend (with a fire roaring) breaking down my "in-living room" sewing area and moving it back into my studio!  Whew!  Now I can put down the treadmill and get my walking back into my routine in the morning.  I still have some organizing to do in the studio, but at least everything is out there!!  And yesterday I did 2.4 miles!  Woot!!

Oh and that little bird in the forefront is a gift from Cheri!  What a sweetheart she is!!  I spotted it at Tuesday morning and loved it.  I don't know why I didn't buy it...but we were in a hurry to leave so I left it there.  She went back and picked it up and brought it to me!  Isn't it the sweetest little birdie!!  I love it!!  A couple of weeks ago, Dr. John accidentally broke a bird I had on top of some wooden boxes!  It ended up in a million pieces!  Sigh!  So now I have a new one!!  Woot!!  Woot!  Thank you dearest Cheri!  You are the best!!

I bought myself a New Years' gift!!  A Wacom Bamboo Pen!!  I am so excited about this little computer drawing pad!  You can edit photos, do drawings, mark up art work, etc., etc.  I haven't played with it yet, but I am thrilled to have it.  I have always wanted something I could draw online with.  This is about the size of an iPad!  Very cool!  I will keep you posted as to what I think of it.

Did I ever show you pics of my sculpture, "His Corner"?  Well, here are some pics...Ha!!

It is sculpted from mahogany, walnut and birch!  Has some grapevine, handmade paper and a bird's nest.  I did this several years ago and never wanted to sell it.  So, it sits appropriately in the corner of my living room!  Thought I would share it with you!

January 9th was my granddaughter Lisa's birthday!  She is now 22 years old!!  OMG!  How did that happen!  She is my darling girl...first born granddaughter!!  She has the biggest heart and she is gorgeous, of course.  Happy Birthday dearest one...I love you so much!!

Isn't she amazing?!!!!

Got my nails and toes done yesterday....and like I was freezing!  But the warm water, warm lotion and warm towels really made my morning special.  Not to mention, the massage chair!  Ahhhhhhh!!!!   Bliss!  So I finally get home...frozen but happy!!  Ha!   And what do I do?  Open a box and snap one of my nails off!!  Yikes!!  It was just the tip, so it didn't hurt.  But boy is it ugly!  So I super glued it back on.  We will see if that holds!  If not, I have to go back and get it repaired.  I have a party to go to on January 22nd!  So I have to be fabulous looking!  Of course!  It is Dr. John's companies Christmas/holiday party.  It will be fun.  Karaoke and Casino!!   Fun times!  Plus my son and his wife will be there too!  My son works for the same company!  He runs the office in Gallup, New Mexico!  Cool, huh?

Are you Randomed enough now?  I sure hope so!  If on over to Keely's, The UnMom and see what randomess is going on over there!  Always makes my morning!!  Keely cracks me up every time I visit!!  Ha!  Check her out!!  And all the other Randomizers as well!!  Fun times!!

I visit my favorite Electrolysis lady today, Jodi!!  She owns and runs Elite Electrolysis and she is a darling sweetheart!!  Not to mention, so professional.  My face is becoming so hairless...I love it.  No more sprouting hairs on upper lip and chin!  I swear, I was competing with Dr. John on the beard and mustache front.  Or at least I was becoming a werewolf...for sure!!!  Now I have smooth, beautiful skin!  Ahhhh!  Thank you dearest Jodi.  I love it!!

You all have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


Liz Mays said... 1

I went to Cracker Barrel to find some of those cool trees after Christmas and every one of them was gone! I was so upset!

Your granddaughter really is a lovely girl!

Brian Miller said... 2

wow. you scored on the sale items...and what a cool the wood...under an ice storm here right now...

Lori said... 3

Sorry to hear that it is cold many are experiencing cold and snow that normally don't...even though we have had lots of snow this year and bitter cold I am not complaining about the lightly falling snow that is coming down as we speak because it is 25 degree's warmer this morning then it has been...would much rather have snow then bitter cold. Walking outside when it's a -15 stings on my face...add some wind to that and a -50 wind chill and it's absolutely insane to even step outside...ugh...we are getting tired of winter and still have months of it to look forward to...yes your granddaughter is very lovely...I love that you love Christmas so much that you still have your decorations up....I have a friend that Still had her tree up when February came so she took down her Christmas decorations and hung hearts on it was actually kind of cute but don't tell anyone I said that since I am scrooge of all holidays, this might ruin my you stay warm...or better yet that it warms up for you...hope your Tuesday is terrific! XX

Joanie said... 4

You always seem to find such great deals!

My daughter gets free laser hair removal, because she works for a radio station, writing commercials. The Laser company gives her free laser hair removal and she talks on air about how wonderful it is! Lucky girl!

Kristina P. said... 5

You sure do know how to find a sale!

Lisa looks lovely.

christina said... 6

so glad you got your nails done. it makes us feel so good, when it's done.
and your granddaughter is beautiful. i loved her red dress.

The Charm House said... 7

SueAnn, loved your random Tuesday!!! It is very cold here in Georgia. The upper state is at a total stand still. With the ice we cannot get around..... Sad because my art supplies from Dick Blick can't get here and I can't get out to get them. LOL
Anyways that's my randomess.....
Have a great day!

Mimi said... 8

What great finds!

Hugs & love,

Queenie Jeannie said... 9

All kinds of wonderful things going on in your world!! That's great! Can't wait to see what you do with that drawing pad - very cool looking!! I used to get a mani/pedi every two weeks like clockwork, but haven't since we moved to Italy. It is SOOOOO expensive! I'm going to have to splurge soon; I really miss it!

Shabby Vintage Junk said... 10

Hello over there SueAnn....!

I hope you're managing to keep warm Lovey.... :o) !!

THANK YOU so much for your recent comment re my foolishness....I'm FINE now just a little hoarse....!!

I SMILED OUT LOUD just now when I read you had been to Cracker Barrel....That just so happens to be my all time FAVE restaurant in the US....Southern fried chicken steak, fried okra, mashed potato, white gravy & corn bread....** sigh ** ....!!

Oh I'm SO envious of your manicure & pedicure....I've NEVER had one (of either) & keep telling myself I should make the time....FINGRES CROSSED 2011 will see me tackle a FEW firsts....!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lisa....I hope she had a LOVELY day....!

Sending you some WARM AUSSIE HUGS,
Tamarah :o)

Michael Wurm Jr said... 11

don't you just love after christmas sales!?

i wish they'd come BEFORE christmas. ;)

SandyCarlson said... 12

Happy birthday to your granddaughter! She is a beauty. I hope you enjoy your new art tool/toy! Looks like fun. Your images are gorgeous. Thanks for keeping the spirit alive.

Indrani said... 13

You have sculpted such a beautiful corner piece. :)
Happy Birthday to your grand daughter! She is a pretty girl.

Midlife Roadtripper said... 14

You are, randomly, very busy. I'm tired just reading all that keeps you busy. I would like those trees, too. And your sewing room. How wonderful that you surround yourself with what you love. Sign of a good woman!

Joanna Jenkins said... 15

Happy Belated Birthday to Lisa! hope her big day was fabulous.

Did you say BELOW 20 degrees-- Oh, that is nasty. Stay warm and bundled up.

I officially have sewing machine envy-- I counted three of them-- You lucky girl :-)

Cheers, jj

pinkglitterfae said... 16

hi SueAnn! that's pretty cold where you are, it's not even that bad here in Canada, lol! I used to hate the cold like you, but I find if you just look at it differently, you can learn to appreciate it. Think of how wonderful it feels when you are so frozen, then walk into a warm coffee shop/restaurant/your home, and are met with lovely heat. The relief, the comfort...see? It makes you appreciate things more when there is contrast, lol! at least it works for me:-D
As to the Christmas decorations, I feel the same way you do. They are so cheery and take me a month to finish that I plan on enjoying them another couple of weeks, haha! I'd have them around longer if people didn't think I was strange :-)
Happy Birthday to your gorgeous granddaughter! time sure does fly.

thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing your childhood 'crush'. Yes Paul McCartney was a lovely man, he still looks pretty good these days, lol!

Anonymous said... 17

So lovely to hear from you Sueann!
You've been so busy. Your fabric art looks awesome. Reminds me of going to an art gallery. Miro in Barcelona, has some large fabric art. You make so beautiful!
Your art studio looks like you get very busy in there. Lots of energy!
Hope the weather gets warmer soon for you. The 20 f is very bittery cold. Even minus 2 would be a treat from this cold. Keep my fingers crossed for some warmer weather for you.
Loads of love!

Anonymous said... 18

Hi Sue,
Just wanted to let you know for some reason I can only get part of your blog.. and i have to scroll over to see it all.
I tried to reach you yesterday the blog would not load. Maybe you know why.. ?
thank you for your sweet visits..
Love ya.. Darlene

Debbie said... 19

Those trees are too cute! And your granddaughter is a beauty.

Sarah Knight said... 20

I hope it warms up there soon! I know that I loathe the cold too :D