
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Forty-Nine!!

On The Side

We take our dressing on the side...
We live our lives on the side....

A view...
from the side...

Time to get off the sidelines...
time to live up front and center...
time to live in the present...
time to shine!!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you,


Joanie said... 1

Great post! I'm on the sidelines these days. Just lying low and trying to get well.

Maggie May said... 2

Ah..... a new dimension. I shall be looking at side views from now on.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Magaly Guerrero said... 3

Life is all about perspective, isn't it?

Btw, I couldn't help, but grin at your copy of No Mercy by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I can't wait for Redemption!

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 4

Wow, what a creative post. Yes we need to get off the sidelines!!!

christina said... 5

love love this. you inspire me.

Anonymous said... 6

Lovely way to look at life from as many sides. Loved seeing the photo.
I've placed some photos on, as I'm taking my time a little more with this one. Hoping it is going to be just as special as the last one.
The painting is turning out very different. Lots of love in it!
There is more to it, just took a section.
Loads of love!


Carole said... 7

Yes I agree I'm finally tackling the storage room that I've been avoiding all month.


SandyCarlson said... 8

These side views are wonderful. A fresh perspective, lovely lady!

Elizabeth Grimes said... 9

Makes me want to OPEN one of my many books just sitting there. Nice, creative, and motivating post. :)

Kim Mailhot said... 10

This is a great post, SueAnn !
I can see your shine from here. Happy Sunday, Shiny One !

Cindy said... 11

I love this SueAnn, You always shine my friend. always. I am going to read some of your posts that I have missed. I will be visiting much more often. hugs.

pchickki said... 12

This Made me smile SueAnn
You always shine !!!
I love this very special important forgotten message to others.
You are amazing.


Sharon's Cottage Quilts said... 13

SueAnn, of course you SHINE Darling! You are a STAR!! Hugs and Love to you friend,

Lori said... 14

This post made me that first picture...sometimes I really don't mind being on the sidelines and just taking it all in...sometimes I need to step out and live instead of watching it from the sidelines though...working on it...hope you and yours had a good weekend. XX

PS Did you get your tree decorated for Valentines day? :)

Queenie Jeannie said... 15

Love it!! Thanks for sharing such words of wisdom!!!!

Eddie Bluelights said... 16

Great photos and ah! . . . lovely to have some time to read those books. You are also very well organised with your filing unlike my random access storage system.
Eddie x

Hilary said... 17

What a creative and wise post. Clever you!

Indrani said... 18

Great concept and very well presented with pictures.