
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Random Tuesday....Ramblin' on random!!

Smack me now!!!  We had a beautiful dinner on Friday night!  Lobster tails (10 ounces at least), baked potato with sour cream, tossed salad and a gorgeous ice cream cake and I didn't take one picture.  We all cleaned up good too!!!!  We looked fabulous!!  Dinner was fantastic!  And I had four mojito's!!!  Ha!  I know!  I know!   How could I remember what I ate?  Good question!  Both Dr. John and I were feeling pretty good!!  Paul and Cheri had to supervise.  Would you believe I had to take most of my dinner home!!  Those tails were HUGE!!  Anyway...sorry about no pics!!  Sheesh!!

I got the most beautiful bouquet of flowers for Valentine's Day!!  Dr. John is so sweet!!!  I got him some handmade candy and a new pair of flannel pajamas!  He is going to be styling at bedtime now!!!  Ha!!  Here is the flowers!

Aren't they gorgeous!!  He is such a romantic!!  We finished off the lobster for dinner and it was still delicious!!

Would you believe I have been watching the Twilight series??  For one week now...whenever I have some free time...I pop in one of the Twilight movies and enjoy!  I must have watched them six times already!!  That's all three of them!!!  Shoot me now!!

Can't wait until the fourth movie comes out.  I am dying to see how they handle the fourth book!!??!!  Well, I told you to shoot me!!!!!

Nothing exciting planned this week.  I have been working on income tax!!  Woot!  Yes you can shoot me again...PLEASE!!  Everything is sorted and now I had to add each section up.  So I am making good progress.  Then I have to catch up on my State Income Tax.  Whoops!!  So if I don't post next week, I will be in jail!!  Failure to file!!!   Ha!  J/K!!

Hey!  We got the old storage unit unloaded and everything was put into the new storage unit!!  Number One!!  How's that for a unit number!?  Number one!!  Ha!  Anyway, all organized and clean now.  Feels so good.  And a big thank you to my son, Lee Sr. and our grandson, Lee Jr.!!!  Without them, Dr. John and I would still be unloading!!  And pics!!  Sheesh!!

Oh and don't forget to go back and leave a comment on "Let's Celebrate"  !!  For the print by Diane Duda!!  You have until the comment away please!!

Today I find out if I will be doing another large painting!  I will be visiting with Christina and see if I can do one for her.  She has the perfect spot in her office!!  So fingers are crossed!  And prayers are being said!
I will let you know!!

Don't forget to visit The UnMom and see what Keely is up too!  I am sure no good!!  And of course, all the other Randomizers!  It is always a lot of fun to see what is going on in Blogland!!  So get on over there!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Kristine said... 1

Gorgeous flowers! Lucky you!

Happy RTT!

Brian Miller said... 2

nice. hope you get the large painting...glad you had a good vday...yeah he scored on those flowers...twilight, ugh, lol...

Stacy Uncorked said... 3

That lobster tail sounds HUGE! :) Glad you had a wonderful dinner - and Dr. John is definitely a keeper. ;)

Glad you had a Happy Valentine's Day! :)

RTT: Valentine, Dino Claw, Improvements

Jane Doe said... 4
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Raven said... 5

Those flowers are beautiful!

I just can't get into Twilight. My Midget keeps bugging me to read it, and I watched the first movie with her, but, nothing.

I am, however, eagerly awaiting the next Kim Harrison book.

Happy Tuesday!

Elizabeth Grimes said... 6

Sounds like a great Valentine's Day! Thanks for sharing. Good luck with painting! :)

Magaly Guerrero said... 7

I started drooling at "lobster tail" and after that everything was really fuzzy.

Glad your V Day was wonderful.


Unspoken said... 8

You are so cute:)! I enjoyed this post. You are a romantic. It shows all the time. You and your Dr John :). Yes, the flowers are beautiful!

VandyJ said... 9

We did seafood last night but alas, no lobster. I would love to have tails that big. Love lobster.
Those flowers are lovely, lucky you.

Hilary said... 10

Sounds yummy. I'm glad you had a nice V-day. :)

Kristina P. said... 11

Sounds like you had the perfect Valentine's Day dinner!

Celia said... 12

What a great Valentine's Day. And here's to a new painting, sending good thoughts your way for that.

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said... 13

Lobster.... yum!
4 Mojitos... that's why you forgot to take a picture. haha

Seahorse Ranch Girl said... 14

Your dinner is perfect in all ways. Those mojitos go down real easy, don't they? And ice cream cake...oh, yum. I bought Bob an 8 oz heart box of See's Candy (with a handmade Valentine from me glued to the top)...he went through that candy in about an hour. Huh? He was more diet conscious with me, which I do appreciate. We had a power outage on night of 14th so drank our good champagne with spaghetti :) Hugs to you.

Artsnark said... 15

Twilight & Taxes! No wonder you had 4 mohitos ;D Glad your V-day was a success

Mimi said... 16

Your Valentines day sounds perfect!

Fingers crossed for your new painting.

Hugs & love,

Amanda @ Serenity Now said... 17

Sounds like an amazing Valentine's dinner!!! I'm a Twilight fan too. :) :)

SandyCarlson said... 18

Your Valentine's Day bouquet is gorgeous. So romantic.

You are busy. I love your enthusiasm for life.

Anonymous said... 19

Love the boquet of flowers. Dr. John has good taste!

Lori said... 20

Gorgeous flowers from your sweet man...sounds like a fun delicious night...I can just picture the two of you with big smiles on your faces. :) I pray that you get to do the painting! XX

Cindy said... 21

Glad you had such an awesome time, your supper sounds fab, your flowers are beautiful, and I am glad you got the storage unit done. have a great rest of the week. hugs to you.

Kim Mailhot said... 22

That was a fancy shmancy Valentine's Celebration ! Awesome !
Decluttering is always a good and freeing thing !
Good stuff !
Cheers, Sue-Ann !

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said... 23

Sure sounds like you and your man did Valentine's day up right!!!

Those flower are just gorgeous sweetie!

God bless ya and have yourself a terrific day! :o)

Janny said... 24

You are a lucky lady! Beautiful flowers, but I miss the lobster pictures.....and the PJ ofcourse;o)

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 25

Beautiful flowers, nice to have a romantic husband!

Velvet Over Steel said... 26

Gorgeous flowers! So glad you had a good time & even more glad that he treats you well, just like you deserve, SueAnn! :-) ~ Coreen

Queenie Jeannie said... 27

LOL, you're a riot! Sounds like you have been having wayyy too much fun! Fabulous!!!

I like Twilight too, but the books more so. For the last one, they are breaking it up into two movies, six months apart. All the better to make more money, huh??

Indrani said... 28

Wow! The bouquet is gorgeous!

Artsnark said... 29

Hi SueAnn. Congrats! You've won my mystery box of fabric & ribbon giveaway

Can you email me your address? Artsnark (at) verizon (dot) net

Joanna Jenkins said... 30

Looks like you had a fabulous (and delicious) Valentine's Day :-))))

xo jj

Carole said... 31

Can you believe I have seen none of those movies. Can't get anyone to go with me! boo hoo

Good for you on the taxes....haven't even started mine...boohoo again!