
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Abstract Wednesday ~

Another edition of Abstract Wednesday; hosted by Nature Footstep!!  I always enjoy this fun to alter/manipulate photographs.

I challenged do an alteration yet keep it bright!  This one I added to at Digital Whispers!

This was a joint fellow Digital Round Robin mates.  As you can see...we all had fun.  And we are not done yet!  More will be altered/manipulated!

My dear friend, Patti at Treasure Barn's grandson, Zander, is fighting for his little life!  He is only a few months old!  Please hold his family and Zander up in your prayers and good thoughts!
This pic is for him...angels looking over him.

Be well little are loved!

I have been working on this one....

Have a creative and imaginative day!!
Hugging you



Judy said... 1

Interesting work!! Not my style, but I do appreciate seeing what other people are doing!!!

Brian Miller said... 2

is that first one yours? its pretty fantastical... the last one, i think i would move her face a bit as the leaf makes her nose look pointed like a art...happy wednesday

NatureFootstep said... 3

love the little angels and your flowery woman. The first oen looks like fun. Almost wish I had something like that.

Bossy Betty said... 4

Very creative! That must have been fun to do.

Friko said... 5

That is a beautiful abstract arrangement: well done, all of you.

I shall say a prayer for Zander and wish him well.

Prairie Jill said... 6

Lovely images! You really succeedd in keeping the brightness of the colours in the first and last pieces. I love the softness of the middle one, too.

Lmkazmierczak said... 7

Top one is a blast♫ Middle one is quite angelic, and Zander will be in my prayers, and the last one is full of life♪

Magaly Guerrero said... 8

I LOVE that first image. It made me think of Alice in Wonderland, Labyrinth, and something steampunk.

And the last image looks like summer smiling on the world ;-D

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 9

I really like the bright colors

Hilary said... 10

Oh poor little darling. I will keep the wee thing in my very best thoughts. I hope he will be well.

Love the colourful first image.. it's has great appeal.

The Artful Diva said... 11

nice work - especially the second one!

Maggie May said... 12

They are all very unusual and seem to work well with whatever you do to them!
Maggie x

Nuts in May