
Sunday, November 28, 2010


Joanie at Joanie's Ramblings shared this video of a group that uses no instruments...only their voices.  They are incredible.  So I had to share them too!!

Aren't they amazing?!!

Have a magical and blessed day!

Hugging you



Brian Miller said... 1

ah...this is beautiful how cool how they blend together to make such...mmm...

Lori said... 2

Awesome! Enjoyed this! Happy Sunday!

ellen abbott said... 3

I had seen the short 'rain' part before but not the song. this was great!

A Woman Of No Importance said... 4

SueAnn, what an amazing journey you continue to take us on - I am inspired by your weight loss and yet I could not face the surgery you are about to undertake - You are very brave and very beautiful!

Your granddaughter, Cassie, is a real sweetie and it's obvious you are so proud of your grandchildren and children - Thank you for sharing some of your life's beauty with us. A belated Happy Thanksgiving, and Thank You!

Fhi xxx

Bossy Betty said... 5

Gorgeous! Beautiful blending of voices!

Maggie May said... 6

Amazing! Love that harmony.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Unknown said... 7

I love that there is always something to be dazzled by.

thank you.

pchickki said... 8

amazing is an understatement!
I love your new background :)

Joanna Jenkins said... 9

Yep, they're pretty awesome!
Cheers, jj

Queenie Jeannie said... 10

Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!!

Hilary said... 11

They're wonderful. I have seen it before but was certainly worth a rewatch/listen. Thank you.

SandyCarlson said... 12

Amazing, to be sure! Thanks for sharing, my friend.

Jill said... 13

Beautiful!! How did you find that? I'm finally getting round to visiting everyone else's blogs again now that the holidays have begun. So nice to sit and browse through all your lovely photos!

It's great that you're back into walking! There's no better exercise plus the added bonus of all that fresh air!

You've done such an amazing job with your weight loss - truly inspirational!

Keep up the great work!!
