
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Craft Show....Nov 2010!!

As is a selection of pics taken at the show.  Had a blast and met tons of people.  And to top it all off nicely, it was a fantastic day.  Blue skies and plenty of sunshine!  I didn't make any sales though.  Sniff!  But I did hand out many brochures and such.  Lots of lookers!!  So it is all good.

Enjoy the show!!

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Have a magical and blessed day!!

Hugging you



Queenie Jeannie said... 1

I love the Smilebox idea!! Great photos!

Sorry you didn't make any sales, but hopefully the Christmas orders will be coming in soon! You just never know!

Brian Miller said... 2

smiles. some great pics..and someone will come take you home soon little ones dont you worry

Kristina P. said... 3

Great photos and dolls!

Hilary said... 4

Someone should adopt these sweeties soon. Have you tried online sales like through Etsy?

Maggie May said... 5

Lovely dolls. It is a crying shame they haven't found owners. I think you might need to sell on line.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Velvet Over Steel said... 6

Great idea & pictures! Love the way you shared with us!! Very cool!! Glad you had good weather aned a obviously a good time! :-)

Blessings & Hugs,

SandyCarlson said... 7

A very beautiful show. That was great.

ethelmaepotter! said... 8

Love the brochure (and the new look of your blog!) Your babies are too adorable to stay orphaned for long!

Indrani said... 9

I wish you good luck! :)

Lora said... 10

I love it! I was bragging about your art last night at a fund raiser, btw.

Debbie said... 11

It is frustrating I bet. Of course, I am quite often a "looker" as well. Curse these expensive kids of mine!

Sueann said... 12

Maggie @ I do sell on line sweetie!! ETSY mostly. EBay is too expensive.
Hilary @ Yes hun...I have an ETSY store and I will put these babes in it after this Sunday's doll show. So what ever if left will go on there! Thanks

pchickki said... 13

Great pivctures
Sorry no sales but at least your card is out there and you name.
Frustrating I know.
Hugs to you

imbeingheldhostage said... 14

Your babies are GORGEOUS! Lovely. I don't know how you can bear to part with them...
Do you think you will ever list them in your etsy shop?

Bee said... 15

I love the fiery sunsets and leaves . . . England is beautiful, but we just don't those dramatic skies.

I'm just about to go on a walk -- it's COLD, and I'm waiting for it to warm up a bit -- but I send out a positive thought to you. Hope you can walk today, too.