
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Random Tuesday....Time for a smile!!!

Yes!  It is that time again!  Boy!  No dust gathering here.  Time is rushing by so quickly, I barely can catch my breath.  Next week is Thanksgiving!!!!!!!  Wow!!  What happened to summer???  I'm just sayin'!!!

Well, the Doll Show came and went!  Wasn't as successful as I hoped.  But I did sell one doll and had tons of visitors.  Lots of "oooing" and "awwing".  So it's all good.  I so enjoyed my granddaughters and grandson helping me out.  We had a blast!  And my son and Dr. John were tons of help.  Without them, set up would have been a real drudgery!! 

When it came time for lunch, my son stepped in and donned his salesman hat and went to work for me.  When I left to go eat, he was telling some ladies to pick up the babies!!!  He was even holding on and patting it's little bottom.  Now how cool is that??  Great lunch by the way...Subway...yum!!!

Enjoy the show....

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Had a girls day out yesterday and it was sooooo needed!!!  Manicure and Pedicure and relaxing in the massaging chair...oh my!!  Bliss!!!  Not to mention that Jessica did a great job with the new design on my nails.  I'm all festive now...ready for Thanksgiving!!

Had a minor relapse with the asthma and ended up with another round of steroids.  Bleh!!  But I think I have finally turned the corner here.  At least, I hope so!!  See my Asthma Doc today and see what he has to say.  He is really ornery but good!  

Hope you all have exciting plans for Thanksgiving!?!  We do!  We are going to Gallup, New Mexico and spending a couple of days with the kids and grand kids!  Woot!!  Dr. John and I are purchasing the turkey and all the trimmings and Ginger and Lee ( DIL and son) are doing the preparations.  I love it!!!  No cooking for me.  Well, not much that is.  I do the sweet potato casserole.  Sweet potatoes, walnuts, brown sugar and pineapple!  Yummy!!

This is also usually the time of year when I start getting the Christmas wish lists too!!  I have already received three...four more to go!!  And they better hurry!  I don't want to be shopping Christmas week, that is for sure.  I am still in shock...Christmas???  How the heck did that happen???

So, I have lost 170 pounds now...35 more to go!!!  WooT!!!  I visited the plastic surgeon and got the low done on what to expect.  Yes!  I will be having surgery to get rid of all this excess skin.  First surgery will be the breast and the stomach.  I am really excited.  Dr. Morehouse went through the entire procedure and told me what to expect. 

I have a big scar on my abdomen from several previous he said that my belly button is probably compromised already so I might lose it.  Lose it???  Now that will be weird!!  No belly button!  I am trying to wrap my head around that one.  Tattoo parlor, here I come!  Great place for a colorful tattoo, don't you think?? 

Anyway, he said surgery will take 5 to 6 hours and then I would be taken by ambulance to Lovelace Women's Hospital where I will spend a couple of days.  Recovery will take about three weeks!  I know pain is involved here.  I am just hoping for really good drugs!!  Copious amounts of them!  I am definitely not into pain.

I am shooting for May, 2011 for this surgery.  I will do my arms and face the following year.  And no, my insurance will not pay for this.  Damnit!!!  I will try but it doesn't look promising!!

My porch light went bad and I ordered new ones.  I needed two!  One for next to the studio door and one for the front door.  So we had these when the kids got here and I smiled and winked at my son!  Ha!  And bless his heart; he installed them for me.  They are gorgeous!!!!  I have such good taste...Ha!!

Now my home is filled with baby dolls!!  Yikes!  I will be listing them on my ETSY store this you know what is just around the corner.  Now is the time to get a loved one a one of a kind baby doll!  (GRIN)!!!  Shameless promotion here!  You will find a link to my ETSY store on my side bar.  Visit when you have a moment to browse.  I will start listing them today and tomorrow!!

Since I have lost all my insulation (170 lbs,) so I am freezing all the time.  I used to overheat!!  HA!  So now I  walk around the house with a sweater and a flannel jacket to keep warm.  This is a good problem to have!! Yes?!!!

I haven't walked for ten days due to my asthma!!  I miss it terribly and will be walking today!!  Just not as far.  It will take awhile to build up my stamina again.  So two miles today!  And boy will I bundle up!!!!!  Ear muffs, two jackets and gloves!!  Today will be cold...possible snow...but sunny!  I can handle that!  All except the snow!  No likey snow!!!!!!!
Beautiful sunrise!!!

Oh!  At the doll show, I found more Kewpie dolls and added some new ones to my collection.  They are so cute.  I will post some pics of my collection next time.  I have several...Ha!!!

Enough random from me...don't forget to check out Keely at The UnMom for more randomness!!  You never know what may be happening over there.  Zombie attack??  Could be!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

nice. i like your nails...and the show looks fabulous...i hope you have an incredible thanksgiving

Sarah Knight said... 2

Cute nails : )
Best of luck with the pending surgery!

Joanie said... 3

Great nails! I need to get mine done after work today. Thanks for the reminder!

Good luck with the surgery. I guess you'll lose a few more pounds once the excess skin is gone.

Unknown said... 4

wow, when I catch up here.. there is always so much .. you have a full and wonderful life.

I love love your baby pic, and I agree with Hilary re the background, so I clicked on that one to see it better.

You are an inspiration always.

Mimi said... 5

Somehow I didn't know about your amazing weight loss, I'm so glad to hear about it. I hope the asthma doesn't kick back up again.

Hugs & Love,

Kim Mailhot said... 6

Random Tuesday hugs !
Nice lights, great show, hope you get your stamina back soon, wow about the surgeries, and happy Thanksgiving prep....!
Time is flying !!!!!
Off to slow down and make some art !
More hugs !

Lori said... 7

I didn't realize that you had lost that much weight...very cool and not much more to go...these surgurys sound painful but I am sure it will be worth nice that your husband, son and grandkids helped you with your show...that is very cool...I do like your nails...very festive...also like those lights...I hope you have a wonderful walk today and the doctor is able to give you some good words of wisdom...your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful...we go to my sisters that is up north in the middle of the woods..we call it heaven...we sit and watch the deer come up to eat every night...the day after thanksgiving we go to a fish house parade at a local small town...very fun to see all the creativity and my little's love it! Happy Tuesday dear lady. XX

Hanna said... 8

HI there! I am your newest follower from the blog hop! I love finding new blogs and yours is lovely:) You can find me at
Have a peek at my giveaways if you stop by. Everything is handmade and gorgeous!
We're neighbors!!! I lie in Santa Fe. Nice to meet you")

Keely said... 9

Those are some smokin' nails! And holy moly on the weight loss, lady - you're my hero!

Tabor said... 10

Wow you have done a lot including losing all that weight. Brave of you to face the surgery and I hope your dolls sell before the holidays.

Anonymous said... 11

170! That's amazing. Your nails look fab and good luck with everything!

Bossy Betty said... 12

So fun to catch up with you! I'll be thinking of you and your upcoming surgery.

christina said... 13

the show looked great! so glad your son could help, so you could enjoy a good lunch. : )

Unknown said... 14

Sue Ann!!!! 170 pounds!!! That is amazing. You have been so committed, and you should definitely be rewarded. You know, I saw someone on tv once who went through the same thing and her doctor called her insurance company to talk with them about how critical her reconstructive surgery would be to her health, and he got the surgery approved! Please try having your doctor call for you.

I am so excited for you!

Love the nails too!

SandyCarlson said... 15

I admire your beautiful spirit. You are gorgeous through and through.

Queenie Jeannie said... 16

So much news! So glad the craft show went well - congrats!! And the weight lost - wooo hooo! You're a new woman now!

Lovely nails too!

Along These Lines ... said... 17

Gallup, NM, is where Errol Flynn shot the film "Rocky Mountain" in 1950. It was shot entirely outdoors. Enjoy the visit.

I actually wrote an article about it recently for a film magazine:

Maggie May said... 18

Wonderful news about the weight loss. I must diet or something as I am getting fed up with my midriff.
Hope all goes well with the tuck (if that is what you call it.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Janny said... 19

Your work is stunning as always. Love your nails and pictures but what a great job yoy did about losing weight! And then the surgery pfff, you will look even more nicer;o)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said... 20

So glad the doll show went well. :) Thanks for the comment...glad you like the boots too. ;)

pinkglitterfae said... 21

Hi SueAnn, I'm getting caught up on my blogs, congrats on losing all that weight, wow! you go girl!
Sounds like you've got lots of fun stuff going on. I keep forgetting the US Thanksgiving is coming up, we had ours a month ago and have been in Christmas mode since :-)

have a wonderful thanksgiving with your family

Michele said... 22

Oh wow... you are amnazing! 170 pounds and I was happy to lose 80 pounds. HA! I wish you well with the rest of the journey on your weightloss. I have yet to ever get a manicure... sadly, I bite my nails... bah... a bad habit I wish I could part with but meh, it could be worse. Thanks so much for your compliments on my blog. It was SO much appreciated. =)

Land of shimp said... 23

Oh SueAnn! 170lbs is nothing short of a tremendous feat of will power and solid accomplishment! Many congratulations. I didn't realize I was blogging with an Iron Willed Warrior, but I must be.

I hope that your surgery goes well and think of how svelte you'll look, with or without belly button :-)

I had to laugh at the end here, because I was wondering if you'd resisted the acquisition of more dolls at the doll show...but everyone's will power should have limits! Bring on the Kewpies.

I also hope you are feeling better, and will soon be hitting the road, and walking it again soon.

Magaly Guerrero said... 24

170 lbs! Hooray! I suppose you'll get yourself a brand new wardrobe after the surgery, right?

And, oh, your nails need their own blog.

Joanna Jenkins said... 25

THAT was A LOT of really great news SueAnn!!! Well, not the steroid part, but the rest....

Glad you had fun with your family at the doll show. Hope it's the start of a good holiday season for you.

170 pounds!!!! YEAH YOU!!

And I'm thrilled for you to have the surgery even if it cost an arm, a leg and a belly button :-)

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving! xo jj

SandyCarlson said... 26

Good luck with that operation, my friend.

Your nails are gorgeous, and it sounds like your son is a great help!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Indrani said... 27

Inspiring... I too must work on my figures and your nails, they are so beautifully painted. Have a great time and good luck!

Patricia Stoltey said... 28

Congratulations on a wonderful accomplishment. It's not often we can count our blessings and include losses as one (or 170) of them. You must be feeling great!