
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Oops!!! Would you believe Silent Sunday???

Sorry!!  I was traveling and out of town and missed Silent Saturday!  My bad!  I didn't have time to schedule one.  Ha!  We went to Las Cruces, New Mexico....our future home spot!!!  Thought I would share some pics of our stay!!

For three wonderful days, we stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn!!  Ahhh, bliss!!!

our select comfort bed!!!!

Even the elevator area was beautiful!!!

The lobby and dining area was magnificent!!

Then there was the amazing views of the mountains...the Oregon Mountains!!

Then, sadly our visit was over...but we still had wonderful scenic views to see on our way out of town!!

We listened to a book on tape, Fallen...(I forget the author right now).  Anyway, made the trip seem so much shorter!! 

Dr. John was interviewing, with other professors, a new candidate for a position at New Mexico State University!!  Dr. John is part of the steering committee.  He really enjoyed himself.  We hope that when we move down there;  Dr. John will be teaching at NMSU!!  That will be so cool!

When we get settled, I hope to work on my Masters' Degree in Art and then I want to teach as well.  College level!  These are our "retirement" plans.  Ha!!  No retiring for us!  Just a change of careers of sorts!! 

So anyway!  We had a fabulous time and it was warm and sunny for the entire stay.  Go up to 75 degrees Fahrenheit!  Ahhhhhh!!!   I needed that!!

Hope you all have a magical and blessed day!

Hugging you


Unknown said... 1

Thank you for these fabulous photos. Wow.

And you are so inspiring.. you know that?

Tabor said... 2

Sounds like a good retirement plan to me!

Brian Miller said... 3

wow. what a gorgeous place..and a wonderful warm day....that is awesome!

ellen abbott said... 4

when's the move?

Lori said... 5

You and your husband really do inspire me! Gorgeous place you stayed out and what a view you have in your part of the world. Wow! It is cold and gray here today with a nice sheet of ice everywhere just waiting for the snow that is suppose to fall on top of it, so no going anywhere for us today. A perfect day for cooking up a big pot of soup and to bake some fresh bread. Happy Sunday to you and yours! XX

Kristina P. said... 6

That hotel looks so comfortable. I wish it were 75 degrees here! We got dumped on with snow last night.

Cindy said... 7

SueAnn, it looks so wonderful, I love that you have these plans for your future. both of you are so inspiring. take care, hugs to you, oh and another one.

Maggie May said... 8

That was a very classy hotel and I loved the look of it. They were very fond of urns, weren't they?
The surroundings of the beautiful countryside was magnificent.
So pleased you had such a fabulous time.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Mimi said... 9

What a beautiful place. I hope your plans all fall into place!

Hugs & love,

Kim@stuffcould.... said... 10

These photos are beautiful! Thanks for sharing...
ps. found your blog at Velvet over Steel?? I believe

SandyCarlson said... 11

I am glad you had a nice time away. These are beautiful pictures. God bless.

Hilary said... 12

Looks like you had a wonderful stay. Your photos are lovely. Those mountains - amazing!

Riki Schumacher said... 13

Hi SueAnn, what a wonderful trip. Love the hotel, I could live there! Great plans for your "retirement". Wow, very cool. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving! Hugs, Riki

Velvet Over Steel said... 14

Great pictures!! So glad that you had a good time and got to experience those great amenities & views!! Awesome!!

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving week!!
Blessings & Many Hugs,

Janny said... 15

What a great plan, Masterd Degree in Art;o)Love the pictures, I was a bit on holliday also;o)

APO (Bem-Trapilho) said... 16

what a lovely place!
And what a nice blog I've just found: yours! :)

Indrani said... 17

What a terrific place, you sure did have a grand time. :)

Seahorse Ranch Girl said... 18

Moving? Shudder. I find this to be one of the most challenging events in life. As a young'un I moved frequently, but in last 23 years we've moved 3 times and still I dread it. Will you be closer to your family? I do admire your "up for anything" attitude. I'm more of a "hide and maybe it will go away" sort (Cancer the crab, don't you know).