I know! You should be impressed! I am using the new Random button! Coolness!!!! Keely will be impressed!
On Sunday, went to Costco to do Thanksgiving feast shopping. Took my granddaughter, Cassie with me and we had a blast. And spent $180.00!!! Sheesh!!!! And I didn't get everything I needed. Had to go to Walmart yesterday and finish it off. Sigh!!!!! But we got an awesome 24 lb. turkey and 6 layer dip, spinach dip, spicy pickles, lots of fresh fruit and veggies, etc., etc....!!
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Lovely Cassie!! |
I know! She is gorgeous and such fun to be with! She is doing well in college too! Her major will be Pre-K education with a minor in Fine Art! Yeppers! Another teacher in the family! Woot!!!!
Got home from Las Cruces and found this between my lamp and my house plant (bamboo).
Ewwwww! And not one...but two! One in the living room and one in my bedroom. We are only gone for three days and they move in!!!! Took my duster and captured them and put them outside where they belong. Watch them move back in again!! Ha!!!
On Saturday night, our nephew, Mike came to visit. He is involved with a sport called Ultimate Freesbie and he plays all over the west. This match was going to be in Albuquerque, so he needed a place to crash. This Ultimate is something else I guess. Quite vigorous and they play tournaments. He said they lost in the semi-finals. But he said it was an awesome match, even with the high winds. Made it more challenging. Good times was had by all!!!
The video shows you a tournament in progress. Thought you would enjoy it!!
Well, I broke down and started my ......... Christmas ........ shopping! I can't believe it is just over 30 some days until the big day! I have to say.....I love shopping for my grandkids!! I totally get carried away. This year, though, I have to be good. Since my surgery is coming up in May (hopefully), I need money!!!!!!!!! So sorry kids! This year, Grams comes first!! Ha!!
Thanksgiving is almost here!!! Woot!! Woot!! I am so excited! Got all the fixin's and I am ready to eat!! I love this holiday! Getting together with family and watching the Macy's Parade. Seeing Santa arrive...so cool! Laying around and talking with bloated bellies!! Ha! Who has more fun????!!!!!
Dr. John woke up at 2AM with a terrible migraine. Yes, he gets them too!! Nothing like migraine pain to pull a family together. Ha!! Anyway, I drugged him up and he is sleeping now. Poor guy! He will stay home today. Needs the sleep and needs to recover. Say a little prayer for him, will ya? Thanks!!!
Back to walking again...finally!!!! Feels good but boy is it ever cold!! And windy!!! Have to really bundle up...ear muffs...two coats...gloves...gotta stay warm, don't cha know!!! But it is also so beautiful and sunny and the blue skies knock your socks off!!
Gorgeous!!! Takes your breath away for sure!! These were taken at 4th of July Canyon as we hiked up the mountains. So fabulous!! Remember, if you click on the photos, they will be brighter. Still haven't fixed my blog "haze" dilemma!! Need to contact the blog designer to see if she can fix it.
I have been getting Electrolysis for my facial hair for the past year! Why is it?? You turn 40 and hairs sprout all over your face and disappear from your legs?? Is this a joke?? Anyway, I have been doing battle now with Jodi, my technician. Elite Electrolysis!! Permanent hair removal!! And it is too! It just takes time! Plus, we get those nasty white hairs as well. Woot!! Woot!! Laser can't do white ones and they come back with that treatment, so I chose this procedure. She does laser too! Starting in February, 2011! She is the coolest lady...I just love her. So funny and she is a total Broncos' fan. Poor girl. Just as sad as I am as a Cleveland Browns' fan!! Ha!!
Well that is it for this girl!! Everything else is really terrific! Haven't listed my babies yet. Been too busy! Hope to get to it this afternoon.
Don't forget to visit Keely, The UnMom and see what is going on. You just never know with her. And all the other randomnessers! Now how's that for a word? Ha!
Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you
Every year, before the NFL season starts, I pick a team to support. This year, I chose the Browns. I even picked up Peyton Hillis on my fantasy team and boy, I don't regret that decision for a second!
ultimate is a lot of fun...used to play it more in college...but still on occassion...hmm...maybe over the holiday...and yes she is...and happy thanksgiving....
Sounds like you have an awesome Thanksgiving lined up! :)
Poor Dr. John - here's hoping he feels better!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving! :)
RTT: Thanksgiving, Christmas Shopping, Turkey Boob Job
Cassie is beautiful!
Hugs & love,
You sure have a lot going on...all I do is work and drive...well some other things also...anyway, been listening to your music all morning...thanks - J
I just love your Tuesday random sharing...your granddaughter is beautiful...what is it with kids this age that love to take their pictures? :)I have a few in my family that do this also. :)
Sounds like you are going to have a most wonderful Thanksgiving.
I just love your beautiful giving heart that shines through everything you write. Thank you!
Hope your Tuesday is terrific and that your husband feels better soon. XX
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all of your loved ones.
I give thanks for the world that has warm hearted spirits such as yourself.
Yeah, what is it with those white hairs? What makes them so tough that the laser doesn't get them? I'm thinking I'm going to go in for a chin wax soon. the tweezers just can't handle it. hee hee
What beautiful blue skies. You can keep your spider though!
Cassie is lovely.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Wonderfully random, indeed. Your granddaughter is a beauty and your photos uplifting. I quite enjoyed watching the video too.. well orchestrated with the music.
Wishing for the speedy disappearance of that migraine.. they're nasty. I hope he's well soon.
What a gorgeous girl and I heart teachers :)
Have an amazing Thanksgiving when it comes xxxx
I am blog hopping and found your blog.
I like the pretty fall colors in the one photo!!
Hope you will stop by and follow either or both of my blogs.
Jessicas Lil Corner: http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com
So Stylilized-FREE Custom Blog Designs: http://sostylilized.blogspot.com
Have a blessed Tuesday!
This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for your blog and the joy you bring to my life by sharing your family's joy. Beautiful!
I really enjoy blog posts of random info and photos. Your pictures are excellent. That one with the tree colors against the blue sky is stunning. I wonder why you're having that haze problem. Could it be the template you're using? Very curious.
Ae you recovered from your Thanksgiving yet SueAnn? We don't celebrate that in England, more's the pity!
Love your photos, each has a great story! Beautiful except the ewww spider! lol
Love the last photo! Hope your Thanksgiving went well! Sounds like it was on the way to being a great one :).
Sounds like you've been busy as usual! Your granddaughter is indeed gorgeous - proud Grandma!!!
I hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving!
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