
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Show...Tell and Chat some more!!!

Another spectacular sunrise here in New Mexico!  Just had to rush out and take the pic just to share with you.  Yes it was cold...but worth the goosebumps!!  Ha!

First I wanted to thank all of you for your well wishes and prayers.  They were so appreciated and much needed.  Better than chicken soup...but I don't think that is a viable treatment for asthma!?  (grin)  I am feeling much better.  The medication (steroids and antibiotics) have been doing their job and I now only have to sleep with two pillows instead of four!!  So see...much better!! 

I was able to finish putting together two new babies...the ones I showed you the parts too a while ago!!  The pictures are done and it is time for their debut!!  Drum roll please........

Dressed and ready to show their stuff.  Along with the other darling babes!!  The show is this Saturday and I am sure I will be able to get through the day.  It won't be that strenuous and Dr. John will help me set up.  So no worries there.  I will pack them up tomorrow and be all set for 7AM Saturday morning.

I will take lots of pics at the show and share those on Sunday or Monday.  Depends on how much recouperating I am going to need to do...Ha!!!!

Since I will be heading out pretty early on Saturday; Silent Saturday will post while I am there.  I will work on it tomorrow.  Some great fall pics!!!

Thank you all so are terrific!!!  And I love you madly!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you



Brian Miller said... 1

awww...that second one looks so happy...glad you are feeling better!

Kristina P. said... 2

Happy to hear you are on the mend!

Lori said... 3

I am happy that you are feeling better. These babies look so real! I hope you have a wonderful turnout for your show on Saturday. Cheers to feeling better! Love that photo!

Velvet Over Steel said... 4

The first one looked like she had just stopped crying... Both are way too Real looking! Great Job, SueAnn!

So sorry to read about your asthma!!! Glad you're feeling better though! Take care of yourself!!!


Hilary said... 5

I am so glad to hear that you're on the mend. Those dolls are just amazing. Have fun at the show but don't overdo! <---- blogger's orders. ;)

Joanie said... 6

Your dolls are simply gorgeous!!

Glad you're feeling better.

Hope you have a successful show!

Sharon's Cottage Quilts said... 7

Oh SueAnn your babies are just incredible! I didn't know you did babies too? What talent! They are just spectacular friend! I'm so happy that you are feeling better. I hope that you do well at the show! Take care of yourself.
Hugs, Sharon

Diandra said... 8

Ha! I finally know what creeps me out about these dolls... they have grown-up eyes!

(They are really cute, and you put so much effort into them... wow...)

Judy said... 9

Here's to continued relief from the asthma...

CiCi said... 10

My hubby struggles with asthma. I am so glad you are feeling better now. Your dolls are so precious.

Sarah Knight said... 11

Glad to hear you're feeling better!
Lovely dolls : )

ellen abbott said... 12

Good luck with the show. And the only way I can tell those babies aren't real is by the way they are dressed so beautifully. No real baby would tolerate all that!

Mimi said... 13

I love the babies and the teddy bear is ADORABLE!

Hugs & love,

Land of shimp said... 14

Yay for healing! I'm sure you will do very well at the show, SueAnn. I think I have told you that dolls are a little lost on me, so when I say I can easily recognize the excellence in yours, it's no small thing. It's kind of like a deaf person suddenly announcing, "Wait, I can hear your piece of music!"

Good luck and I agree, that Teddy Bear is just as cute as can be.

Unknown said... 15

Beautiful babies! Sorry to hear that you have been under the weather. I have asthma too but not nearly as bad as yours! I know how it feels though. I describe it as a "fish out of water" feeling. Mine has been particularly bad this year. Right now I'm on a short term round of Symbicort, and boy has it made a difference. Hope you are back to your old self soon.

SandyCarlson said... 16

Your skies and your babies are gorgeous!