
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Random Tuesday....Adventures of asthma

As I sit here, randomly breathing...I am setting up my nebulizer with hopes that this will be of benefit!  I have had asthma since I was about 3 or 4 years old.  No one, at the time, knew what the problem was!!  They called it chronic bronchitis.  And even took my tonsils out!  Ha!!  We finally came upon a doctor who said, "Oh!  She has Asthma!!"  I was terrified.  Thought I was going to did my mom!!  Ha!  Had to get rid of all blankets and stuffed toys...sigh!!  I missed my teddy for years! 

The treatments back then were a little on the primitive side and I basically had to wait it out!!  The pills would make my whole body shake and shudder!  Scary for sure!

Nowadays, they use steroids and the like.  Which are wonder drugs but the side effects are particularly harsh for me!!  My feet and ankles swell and it gets quite uncomfortable!

With asthma, there is the characteristic wheeze, heaviness in the chest area and coughing which can or cannot produce secretions.  Note:  You want secretions!!  It means your lungs are clearing out!  This is a good thing!!

Treatment of acute symptoms is usually with an inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonist (such as salbutamol).[3] Symptoms can be prevented by avoiding triggers, such as allergens[4] and irritants, and by inhaling corticosteroids.[5] Leukotriene antagonists are less effective than corticosteroids and thus less preferred.[6]
The prevalence of asthma has increased significantly since the 1970s. As of 2009, 300 million people were affected worldwide.[7] In 2009 asthma caused 250,000 deaths globally.[7] Despite this, if proper treatment is delivered to a person with asthma the prognosis is good.

This was from Wikipedia!  Well enough said on that subject.  Just thought you would like to know something about this disease.

It watched a very cute film, shown (but not done by) Ewian!  Hope you enjoy!!

Well this is as long as I can stick this out!  Going for my treatment now.

Make sure you visit Keely at the Un Mom for more randomness.  Which should be cheerier than mine!  Ha!!

Have a magical and blessed day and thank you all for your well wishes and prayers!!

Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1

i had asthma growing up, which really limited my ability to play sports be completely active in gym...i out grew it...i do understand though...

Stacy Uncorked said... 2

Awwww! You poor thing! My best friend in high school had asthma too - it was tough watching her suffer through some things. ((HUGZ!!))

That video was mesmerizing! :)

No Fall Decor, Bye-Bye Mom Van, New Toy

Hilary said... 3

I'm sorry you struggle with asthma, SueAnn, and I hope that your treatment offers you some relief.

Interesting video. It takes tremendous patience and creativity to make a stop-action film such as this

Indrani said... 4

Get well soon! Hope the phase gets over fast!

Judy said... 5

Asthma can be terrifying...for kids and adults...wonder why the prevalence has gone up so everything else, probably something we've been doing which we thought was safe...

Lori said... 6

((((SueAnn)))) I know others that suffer with this and it isn't pleasant. I pray you feel better soon. Sending you love, hugs and healing thoughts today. XX Lori

Unknown said... 7

Thank you for educating us on Asthma. Hope you get well soon. I enjoyed the film ;)


ellen abbott said... 8

Sorry to hear about the asthma. I too wonder about the increasing prevalence of this and other ailments. I imagine air pollution has a lot to do with it. I also remember reading somewhere that children who sit in front of the TV all day instead of going outside, running around and playing during the crucial first 5 years or so also are more likely to have asthma because their lungs don't develop properly.

Tabor said... 9

My son had asthma and it was so difficult for us to try to help. He got better as he got older, but when he was young we were very concerned.

Kim Mailhot said... 10

sending prayer and air your way...

Kristina P. said... 11

Good luck! It seems rather miserable and scary.

Celia said... 12

Glad you're going for treatment, as an lifelong asthmatic I know how hard it is to give up on the home treatment and go for help. Sometimes we get there on just about our last gasp. Hope you are better soon. I do think the air pollution is contributes but I read in the National G. that the world wide warming has contributed extended and heavyier pollen counts making people sicker.

Artsnark said... 13

Hope you are feeling better soon! Sending hugs. Thanks for sharing the film - Ewian always finds the best stuff, doesn't she

Maggie May said... 14

My son has something called *Cough Variant Asthma* which is a bit different. He needs inhalers and has had some bad attacks of bronchitis each winter. He developed this as an adult.
Maggie X

Nuts in May

Unspoken said... 15

I am so sorry to hear your asthma drugs have such a bad effect on you. ((((((hugs to you)))))))).


Mimi said... 16

Oh I'm so sorry you have to suffer that way. I pray that your attacks are few and far between!

Hugs & love

SandyCarlson said... 17

I hope you feel better! Asthma can feel like drowning. It's horrible. I hope you get the best of it, my friend.

Janny said... 18

Get well soon, take good care of your self!

Anonymous said... 19

My mom wasn't diagnosed with asthma until she was 70 years old. All those years spent coughing...
I've been told to watch for it myself, but so far I remain unlabeled.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you feel better soon!

christina said... 20

bless your heart. feel better, my friend.

Seahorse Ranch Girl said... 21

I wondered what had happened to you. Duh! Check her blog! So sorry to hear you are in a bad way. I've had severe onset asthma, so I can feel what you are going through. Those powerful meds SHOULD be working, d&%# it.

Anonymous said... 22

Hope you feel better soon. Asthma is no laughing matter.

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said... 23

You poor thing. I hope your treatment helps and you are feeling great soon!

Slamdunk said... 24

Sorry to hear about your struggle. Not being able to breathe well is a difficult burden--my asthma is exercise induced and it is more annoying.

Clowncar said... 25

amazing video.