
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Random Tuesday....Tower of life!

I am still not using the newest logo!!  Sigh!  One of these days I will shock you and you will be confused and you will walk around aimlessly all day!!!  Yikes!  No wonder I don't use it!!

This is me right?  I have to put in a sunrise pic or two!  They always take my breath away.  Looks like a fire in the sky!!  By the way...I noticed with my new blog design that the background dulls my photos.  But if you click on each photo...the true color will be shown.  Sorry about that!  Unintended consequences!  Sigh!  Here are some more....

So...another doll show this Sunday!!  And I decided I wanted some little babies in it as well.  So I am working on them now.  Should be done by Friday.  Now that is cutting it close.  But I wanted to show you my newest find.  A vintage bottle drying rack!!  Perfect for all those loose limbs and heads!!  Yay!!

Cool huh??  And don't ya just love my giant Kool Aid man!!??  He is a vintage advertising sign that I picked up years ago.  I want to hang him on the wall...just can't decide which one.  Sigh!!!!!  The artists' job is never done!

My friend, Suldog, has been running a one man campaign for the holidays!  THANKSGIVING COMES FIRST!!  And I have to agree!  I mean, seriously.  They were playing Jingle Bells on TV last night!!!  Really?  Poor Thanksgiving!  And it is one of my favorite holidays!!  So jump on the bandwagon with Jim and support this small but powerful cause!!  Blog about it!  Tell your friends, family and co-workers about it.  Design and wear a button!!  Something!  I love Christmas just not so early.  Heck, I still have my Halloween decorations up!!!  Sheesh!!  Hop on over to Suldog's and add your support!!!

The asthma is pretty much abated and I am going to walk this morning!!  Woot!!  It has been just over a week and I feel so out of shape!!  I just hope I can climb those hills!!!???  I know it is not going to be easy.  But I have to start back somewhere!!  So today is it!  Wish me luck!

My son is coming over tonight to stay a couple of days!  I am thrilled!  He has a class in Albuquerque and we live about 30 minutes east of town.  So he will shack up here. (haven't heard that term in years...Ha).  So pot roast tonight.  And since his birthday was last Saturday, need a cake too!  Hmmmm!  Where should I get one?  Baskin Robbins or WalMart?  Ha!  He will stay here through Thursday!

Then this weekend, the whole crowd will be coming on Saturday night so they can help with the doll show on Sunday!!  Woot!!  Woot!!  It will make setting up and taking down so easy.  And the kids are great sales people!  So it's all good!

Got my new glasses and so did Dr. John.  We tried ordering online and it was slick!  And the glasses are beautiful and totally the right prescription!  I am impressed!! GlassesUSA!!  And if you use the code "refer" you will get 10% off your order.  They haven't asked me to do this...I was just so impressed.  It was so easy to order too!!  I also got a pair of magnifying glasses for when I do close up work; like fingernails and eyelashes.  They are terrific too!!

Enough with the randomness!!  I have rambled on enough!  Make sure you stop over to The UnMom.  She has Zombies plaguing her again!  So she needs all the help she can get!  Ha!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


Anonymous said... 1

I love your sunrise pictures but they make me anxious because I'm getting a new camera soon and can't wait to take my own. But yeah, they're beautiful.

Artsnark said... 2

Hey you! Glad you are feeling better. You are do busy to get laid low ;P

Hope you have a wonderful visit with the family & the that the show is a huge hit!

That bottle rack looks like some crazy assemblage (& reminds me of the baby doll/spider toy thing that the neighbor kid makes in the 1st Toy Story movie)

As always love your gorgeous photos! Lucky you - what a great way to start the day. Hope it is a fabulous one

Joanie said... 3

Gorgeous, gorgeous sunrise photos!

The bottle drying rack with all the doll limbs and heads is very Tim Burton!

Enjoy your visit with your son!

Joanie said... 4

Gorgeous, gorgeous sunrise photos!

The bottle drying rack with all the doll limbs and heads is very Tim Burton!

Enjoy your visit with your son!

Stacy Uncorked said... 5

Your sunrise pictures are always so breathtaking!

LOVE that bottle rack! I need to get one for my wine making (and composition doll restoration - I NEED one! *grin!*)

Good luck with the doll show this weekend - how cool your kids help out!

Good luck with the hills on your walk today - glad the asthma has abated!

RTT Follow: Dentist, Toys, Megamind

Kim Mailhot said... 6

Happy Tuesday ! Enjoy the time with your son and other peeps.
Hugs !
ps : That drying rack looks very scary...;)

ellen abbott said... 7

There's something a little creepy about that drying rack with all those arms and legs and heads.

I too am disgusted with all the christmas hoorah already. I have seen decorations up already at malls and outside subdivisions. Too much!

Brian Miller said... 8

wow those sunrise pics are gorgeous...but i will admit your drying rack looks a bit hope you have fun this weekend!

Nicole Leigh Shaw said... 9

I'm all in for the Thanksgiving Comes First campaign. Too right!

Happy RTT, Ninja Mom

Celia said... 10

That rack with all the dolly parts is something else. Gave me a little laugh this morning. Hope you feel all better soon.

Suldog said... 11

Yikes! I sometimes feel like that doll with all the loose parts looks.

Thanks for joining in, SueAnn! You're the best! Look for your link in the next update - probably Friday.

Queenie Jeannie said... 12

So much good news!! Enjoy your son's visit!

Kristina P. said... 13

The pictures are beautiful.

But the doll parts are sort of creepy!

Mimi said... 14

I'm all about this Thanksgiving comes first movement. Enjoy your time with your son!

Hugs & love,

Anonymous said... 15

You successfully took me from "Ahh..." (sunrise) to "AHH!!!" (baby parts)

Miss Angie said... 16

I gotta say... That doll drying rack is kinda creeping me out... Gorgeous pics though!

Visiting from RTT! See mine HERE! :)

Diane said... 17

OK, I'm really glad you posted the sunrise pictures first, 'cause the dismembered babies might have made me run screaming from the room ;)

Your week sounds busy and fun... hope so!! XO

christina said... 18

such beautiful photos.
my friend, so glad you are feeling better.
hoping your walk was well.

SandyCarlson said... 19

I am glad the asthma eased up for you and that you were able to get out. Your photos are a real treat. That baby is amazing--surreal.

IT IS ALLY said... 20

My goodness, SueAnn, that bottle rack setup is at once the most unsettling and the most awesome thing I've seen all day. Thank you!

Sniffles and Smiles said... 21

LOVE that bottle rack!!! I could think of a thousand uses for it! Hip, hip hooray for you!! And love you sunset pics!!! Keep 'em comin', dear SueAnn!!! I'm glad that you are feeling better!!! Just stopping by to say "hello" and to leave you some hugs!!! Love, Janine XO

Loz said... 22

Sunrises and Sunsets are also some of my favourite subjects

MB Shaw said... 23

That drying rack is absolutely hilarious with all the doll limbs. I feel some sort of twisted painting coming on :)
And I adore your rambling!!

Unknown said... 24

I so look forward to your random posts.
I feel like I get to know you more and more,
like an IRL friend.

I won't add yet another creeped out by the doll comment though :)

Amanda @ Serenity Now said... 25

I always love your sunrise pictures, SueAnn. :)

Joanna Jenkins said... 26

I'm a huge fan of your sunsets and always click to enlarge them. They're stunning.

Glad to hear your asthma is back in check and you are out walking again.

Sounds like you have a great weekend planned. Enjoy!!!

xo jj said... 27

Good luck with the show on Sunday SueAnne. I may fly over to give you a hand, it's freezing cold and windy here in the UK.

Kristin said... 28

Hi! Stopping by from RTT and following!

Kristin :)
Keenly Kristin