
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Silent Saturday ~ Part Thirty-Nine!!

And the beat goes on!!!

This artist used color as the subject and it works!!!  Ha!  Enjoy!

Have a magical and blessed day!
See ya at the show!!

Hugging you


Brian Miller said... 1 could just about put a rainbow togeher from thise shots....a beautiful walk you took...

Kim Mailhot said... 2

Thanks for showing off His work so beautifully !
Happy Weekend !

CiCi said... 3

So so many different colors in fall. You have taken some wonderful photos showing that.

Mimi said... 4

What stunning colors. Ours are gone now, but I love fall in Michigan!

Hugs & love,

ellen abbott said... 5

wow! what beautiful photos.

Magaly Guerrero said... 6

The single leaf, pine cones and rocks is my favorite one. The lone leaf says I belong here and I'm freaking beautiful!

Hilary said... 7

Such stunning colours. It sure has been a beautiful autumn and you've captured it so well.

Maggie May said... 8

The depth of those colours are amazingly brilliant.Those deep blue skies..... trees and foliage......
Maggie X

Nuts in May

SandyCarlson said... 9

Your colors are gorgeous, totally gorgeous. Thank you for these. You made my evening!

Bossy Betty said... 10

I never get tired of looking at this beauty! Thanks.

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said... 11

Oh how beautiful!! We don't have leaves that change color here in Las Vegas and I really miss seeing the beautiful colors of Fall. Love your photos!!

Unknown said... 12

Beautiful pictures. These remind me of my childhood as in Finland the autumn colours are so much more vivid than they are here in the UK.

I'm visiting you blog for the first time; I found you through Woman of No Importance - I'll call again. xx

beth said... 13

how can we not love's impossible i tell you :)

Unknown said... 14

indeed... where are these taken?